Minutes 1927/01/17 ""~'"'_"""'''i~"<;;I-<<''''''''': . .'. ~.'4"''''''''''"''-''''~'''''_W'''-''''~~':'''''''----'''=''''''':'-''''',''''''''=-_---,,,.-.----... ',""'",'-:':~<,,.'~"";'i''''_'-P''=''''~_;;C'''-'., __, --.~,,,,'-,,,=,,=;;,==~ q(">.] ,"Vd__ Gilroy, Calif., Jan. 17tk, 1927. Tae regular adjourned meetin& of' the Common Counoil was .alled to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. prineeTalle. Present Oounoi1men Ckas. H. Pier.e, E. Hartin Johnson, C. E. Fredtiekson, Jerome Ctappell, Elmer J. Ckesbro; Couneilman Gerald Heoker. Absent On motion by E1mer J. 9ke~bro, seconded by Jerome Chappell th~t bids be opened was .arried. On motion of Elmer ~. Cllesbro, seconded by C. E. Fredrick,., son, the bid of Harris Trust and SaTiReS Bank for $ 110,000.00 par Talue, aGorued i~tere8t to date o~ deliTery and a premium , of' $ 7,227.00 was a.eepted aDd sale awarded to said bank. Vote, ~es, Oouneilmen Ckas. H. Pier.e, E. Martin Johnson, C. E. Fredriokson, Jerome CJaappellJ Absent Councilman Gerald Heeker. Noes, Counoilmen, None; Motion by FredrioksoD seeoDded by Caesbro and oarried that the certified .keek of' su.ces~ful bidder be retained and taat 302 certified checks of unsucoessful bidders be returned. Motion by Jerome'Caappell, seconded by C. E. Fredriekson aluit ordinance No. 342 be passed a:ad adopted after l1aTillC been read and re-read by title as follows: AD Ordinance amending Section 13 of Ordinanoe No. 216, enti tIed -An Ordinance in relation to sewer, plumbing and "-!. ..eo . ",'" '" ;...:.... " \t.",. "" iii.,,,,.,;;, draiDa~e. It Vote, Ayes, Counoilmen Caas. H. Pieroe, E. Martin John- .on, C. E. Fredriokson, Jerome Ckappell, E1mer J. Ckesbro; Noes, Counoilmen, None; Absent Counoilman Gerald Hecker. Motion by Jerome Chappell, seoonded by E. Martin Johnson and carried: That the oitypurchase one dozen bouleTard stop sips. Motion by Chesbro seeonded by Chappell aDd .arried that peti tion of K. Bush to .onstruot building for Gilroy Welding; works on Borth Monterey Street be cranted. The Clerk was instruoted to notif'y Bell & Grif'f'in to .oa- struet the proper kind of' ourb in f'ront of tlleir property on South Monterey Street. Adjourned subject to tae) .all of tb; Ch~r' \ /~. . .j~~.e-e.... .1' Jr/~ ~ '/1- (,'/; '.'/ ( City Clerk. .