Minutes 1927/05/02
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Gilroy, Calif'., May 2;,~ 1927.
The regular monthly meeting of' the eomnlon eouncil was
called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princeyalle.
Present Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, E. Martin Johnson, C.
E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Ches-
The minutes or meeting or April 4th were read and ordered
By motion of Hecker, seconded by Ohappell and carried per-
mission was granted to Victoria Council, I.D.E.S., to hold
its Annual Fiesta.
By motion of' Johnson, seconded by Chappell a permit to
build was granted to F. E. Pohl of' the jumbo lemon.
Of'f'ioers reports presented as f'ollolrs: License Collector,
Police JUdge, City Clerk and Water Collector and by motion of
Hecker, seconded by Fredrickson ordered accepted and placed on
By motion or E. Martin Johnson, seconded by Elmer J. Ches-
bro Ordinance No. 347 was passed and adopted af'ter having bee n
read and re-read by title as f'ollows:
An Ordinance amending
Section 392 of' Article 1 or part IV of' the Municipal Code of
the City of' Gilroy, regulating the clesing hours of' all bowl-
ing alleys, pool and billiard halls, cigar stands, sort drink
establishments or places where sort drinks are sold and pro-
viding a penalty f'or violating .the same.
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, E. lIartin Johnson,
C. E. Fredrickson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J.
Motion by Johnson, seconded and carried: That the Clerk
be instructed to write W. J. Espind,ola and request that he com-
ply with the law relative to electric signs and about depositing
garbage in the alleyway.
Petirions were presented asking the City to purchase the
Wlli tehllrst a...l1d Hodges lot f'or a park site" and by motion of'
Hecker" seconded by Pierce and carried said petitions were
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ordered placed on file.
Mrs. Mary F. Fowler presented petition f'or a building
permit on North Monterey street" and by motion of Hecker d~ly
seconded and carried said petition was denied.
John Frechou presented petition to build garage ins~de the
Fire Limits and by motion of' Fredrickson seconded by Johnson
and carried said permit was granted.
By motion of Fredrickson seconded by Johnson and carried,
it was ordered: That the City purchase twenty-six galvanized
street buttons.
By motion of Chesbro, seconded by Hecker it was ordered
that a warrant in the amount of' $ 50 .00 be ordered dra\m in
favor of the Flower Lovers Club to def'ray expense of decorat-
ing coach f'or the San Jose Fiesta parade.
The regular lllonthly bills were then read and by motion of'
Fredrickson" seconded by Heclcer and capried were ordered 0.1-
lowed and warrants drawn.
Amount of warrants allowed $ 2834.89 on the General Fund.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the Chair.
City Clerk.