Minutes 1927/10/07 ~ :J ~ ,.., ~) j,' ,~} Gilroy, Calif., Oct. 7th, 1927. The regular adj orned meeting of' the COElIIlOn Councilof.:: Oct. 3rd,L927, was called to order by His Honor 1\layor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, E. Martin Johnson, Je- rome Chappell, Elmer J. Chesbro; Fredricl{son, Gerald Uecker. Absent Councilmen C. E. Bills \vere presented as ~ollows: Oakland Sewer Construct- ion Company, Jwues Currie and \I. 3. Hanna. Motion by E. l.Iartin Johnson, seconded by Elmer J. Chesbro and aarried that the above described bills be allowed and ,"'ar- ~ rants ordered dra,rn. Notion by Chesbro, duly secondecl and carried that the lIol- lenback Electric Won.:s be instructed to secure the acld.i tional copper. wire :for extending the f'ire alarm system. Adjourned subjeot to the call of' the Chair. G:~c~r'