Minutes 1928/04/04 C)/~ ,~ ~- 1 '-'-'\' Gilroy, Calif., April 4th, 1928. The regular adJourned meeting of the Common Council of April 2nd, 1928, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Chas. B. Pieroe, E. Martin Johnson, C. E. Fredriokson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Ches- broj Absent, Councilmen, None. Motion by C. E. FredriCkson, seconded by E. Martin Johnson and carried that bids for paving Eigleberry and other streets and installing storm water sewer on certain streets be opened. Seven bids were presented by contracting oompanies and in the amounts as follows: California Hacienda Co., $ 79,935.= 85, California Construction Co., $ 92,503.90, Union Paving Co., $ 96,102,21, Beafey-Moore Co., $ 109,923.40, San Jose Paving Co., $ 105,506.00, Prentiss Paving Co., $ 98,505.56, Warren Construction Co., $ 103,354.74. Motion by Elmer J. Chesbro seoonded by E. Martin Johnson and carried: That the bids for paving be referred to the street Committee to report baok on Wednesday evening, April 11th, 1928. By motion of Elmer J. Chesbro, seconded by E. Martin John- son and oarried the following Resolution was passed and adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, That on Monday, the 7th day of May, 1928, an election be held in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, for the purpose of electing the rollowing , City Orficers for the City of Gilroy, viz: Mayor, Six Councilmen, Treasurer, City Clerk, Marshal. For said election two precincts are hereby established and the boundaries thereof, polling plaoes and Boards of Election are as follows: FIRST PRECINCT: All that portion of the City of Gilroy in- 350 '~:;.. ,...... ..< ''ll cluded within the boundaries of Gilroy preoinot No. 1 and Gilroy precinct NO, 2 of the City of Gilroy as established by the Board of supervisors of the County of santa Clara, state of California. For the purpose of this election said Gilroy Precinct 50. 1 and and Gilroy Precinct No. 2 are hereby combined, and ~or the pur- pose of said municipal election shall be known as First Precinct. "Polling Place; Municipal Fire House on Fifth street. ~'~ ''t~" '. \a,c~ ~-4If Board of Elections Inspector, H.,~. Lord, JUdges, Mary Hollenback, and Sam. Hooper; Clerks, Kate Graves, Elizabeth Edwards and Nettie Ingham. SECOND PRECINCTs All that portion of the City of Gilroy ~ inoluded within the boundaries of Gilroy preoinct 10. 3, Gilroy precinot No.4 and Gitroy Precinct No. 5 of the City of Gilroy, as established by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. c For the purpose of this election said Gi1roy Preoinct No.3, Gilroy Preoinot No. 4 and Gilroy Precinot No. 5 are hereby cambined and for the purpose of said Municipal Election shall be known as Seoond Preoinct. Polling Plaoe, City Hall on Sixth Street. Board of Election, Inspeotor, George Gift; JUdges, S. T. Moore and F. Janet Phillips, Clerks, Virginia Rea, Eva Lord, and Irma Kilgore. The polls will be open at six 9'clock, A. M. of the day of eleotion and remain open until seven'O'olock P. M. of the same day '- when the polls will be Closed, except as ptovided in Section 1164 (;, of the Political Code of the State of California. In all other respeots the said election will be held in aocord- anoe with the general election laws of the State of California. The Clerk of the City of Gilroy will oause the necessary pro- clamation to be published. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, E. Martin Johnson, C. E. FredriCkson, Jerome Chappell, Gerald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbro; loes, Councilmen, None; Absent Councilmen, None. It was ordered that the Clerk have the Election Proolam-- tion published in the Gilroy Advocate. Bid of Byers Bro's. for furnishing For.d Roadster aocompanied by certified check was presented, but not acoeptea. Motion by E. Martin Johnson, seconded and oarried, it was or- dered that Byers Bro's. be instructed to furnish the City with c-) /!'!'!'.1' 1 ~<.... fI--..A~')_..Ao.- a,Ford Model A. chassis with pick-~p body at a list price of $ 395.00. Certified oheck accompanying Byer's Bro's. bid is hereby ordered returned to makers. Motion by Hecker, seconded by Fredrickson and carrieds That matter of purchase of 650 feet of water pipe be left in the hands of the Water Committee. Adjourned until Wednesday, April 11th, 1928, at 8:00 o'olock, P,:M. Ilt,.City Ball. City Clerk. ,