Minutes 1928/04/27
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Gilroy, Calif., April 27th, 1928.
The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council o~
April 11th, 1928, was called DO order by His Honor Mayor 4as.
Present Councilmen Chas. H. Pierce, E. Martin Jobnsan, C. E.
Fredrickson, Getald Hecker, Elmer J. Chesbr~o;
Absent, Counoil-
men, None.
Protests against the sto~ water sewer were presented in regu-
lar form and at the hour designated by the Mayorv and COlDlllllon
Motion by Gerald Heoker, seconded by Elmer J. Chesbro and car-
rieu that protests be referred to the street Oommittee and the
City Engineer and that report thereon be made on Wednesday, May
2nd, 1928.
Adjourned until May 2nd,
1928, at 8: 00 o'clook, p.m.
at City Hall.
City Clerk.