Minutes 1929/02/04 388 Gilroy~ Calif.~ Feb. 4th~ 1929. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was call- ed to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fredrickson,. Jolm A. Clark, Irvin Hollister, Elmer J. Chesbro; COlUlcilJaaDE. Kartin J olmson. The minutes of meetings of Jau. 7th and Jan. 15th, 1929, Absent were read and ordered approved. Officers reports presented as followst License Collector, Police JUdge, City Clerk, Water Collector and Milk Inspector aDd by motion of ~hesbro, seconded by Clark and carried, it 'Jog ~.~~c.J{ . was ordered that officers reports be &OileFted,anq., pl(lo'ed.o,n file. Eyers Bro's. petition for a building permit was taken up. Motion by Clark, seconded by Fredrickson and carried: That per- mit be granted to Byers Bro's., but that the re-inforced concrete extend back eighty feet. Motion by Clark, seconded by Chesbro and carried: That the California Construction Company be given sixty days rurther time to complete. its work of paving. By motion of Elmer J. Chesbro, seconded by John A. Clark Resolution 50. 652 was passed and adopted as follows: WHEREAS, the Munieipalities and sanitary district of.. the State are endeavoring to fin. an economical and successful method for sewage and waste disposal and treatment, and WHEREAS, Senator Jones of Santa Clara County, has introduced in the Legislature Senate Bill Ko. 652 providing for an appropria- tion of not less than $ 65,000.00 ror the establishment and main- tenance during the next two years of the proper and necessary facil- ities for investigations and research in methods of' sewage disposal, a plan of supreme importance to the entire State, now, therefore, be it 390 theref"ore, be it RESOLVED: That the Mayor and Common Council 01" the City of Gilroy does hereby approve 01" the passage 01" Senate Bill 10. 655 and earnestly request of our representatives in the state Legislature to support the measure; be it 1"urther RESOLVED: That a copy of this Resolution be 1"orwarded by the City Clerk to the Governor, the Senate Committee on pub- lic health and Quarantine and Senator Jones. <~ ".""'" ~"" .,,, ,~."., ~.,.I ,.~ "- .1--1 Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fred- rickson, John A. Clark, Irvin HOllister, Elmer J. Chesbro; loes, Councilmen, lone; Absent Councilman E. Martin John- son. By motion of Fitzgerald seconded by Fredrickson, and car- ried the following Resolution was passed and adopted: WHEREAS, we have learned with sincere regret that the health of our City Engineer, Henry B. Fisher, continues to prevent him 1"rom giving his personal attention to the work of the City, aDd WHEREAS, the Common Council contemplates proceeding with the paving of several streets of the City in the bear future that will require the services of the Engineer, now, there- for, be it c RESOLVED, that City Engineer, Henry B. Fisher, be given an unlimited leave of absenoe from his o1"ficial duties dur- ing his present illness, aDd be it further RESOLVED, that the City Clerk forward a copy of this Resolution to Mr. Fisher, together with a letter expressing the sympathy of the Mayor and Common Council in his trouble and expressing our wishes that he may speedily recover his health. Vote~ Ayes, Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fredrickson, John A. Clark, Irvin Hollister, Elmer J. Ches- bro; Noes, Councilmen, lone; Absent Councilman E. Martin Johnson. By motion of John A. Clark, seconded by Elmer J. Ches- bro the following Resolution was passed and adoptedt An order providing for the issuance of Street Improve- ment Bonds, prescribing the denominations of such bonds and of the interest coupons attached thereto 'J9"1 ch WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Counoil of the City of Gil- roy, County of Santa C~ara, state of California, did, on the lltb day of April, 1928, pass their Resolution of Intention Now - 4- 1928 for tbe improvement of portions of Eigleberry street, Fourth street, Fifth street, Sixth street, Martin street and Lewis Street in said City of Gilroy, under and pursuant to the provis- ions of the "Improvement Aot of 1911. and the amendments there- to, and. to the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915. and the amend- ments thereto, and to the resolutions, notioes and other pro- ceedings of said Mayor and Common Council duly adopted and taken, reference to said Resolution of Intention No. 4-1928 being ftete- by expressly, made for a desoription of said work and for further particulars; and WHEREAS, the contract for said work and improvements was duly awarded and thereafter duly completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent and of said Mayor and Common Coun- oil or said City of Gilroy, whereupon an assessment and warrant were made, recorded and delivered to the contractor in time, fo~ and manner as required by said acts, and the contractor having made due return thereon, and the same having been duly recorded; aDd WHEREAS, on the 9th day of January, 1929, the street Superin- tendent of the City of Gilroy made and filed with the Clerk ot said City a complete list ot all assessments unpaid thereunder upon the respective assessment numbere thereon, whereupon said Clerk gave notice of the tiling ot said list and fixed in said notice Monday, the 4th day of February, 1929, at the hour ot 8:00 o'clock, P.M. of said day, at the regular meeting place of the Mayor and Common Council, to-wit: In the City Hall of said City, as the time and place when interested persons might appear before said Mayor and Common Council and show cause why bonds sbould not be issued upon the security of the unpaid assess- ments shown on said list, said time being that if this regular meeting ot said Mayor and Common Council; aDd said Mayor and Common Council baving heard all objections and having passed up- on the same, it is hereby determined that tbe assessments unpaid thereunder, and the aggregate amount ot the same, are as followss That the total aggregate amount of said assessments unpaid is the sum of Nine Thousarnd , Five Hundred, Sixty and 39/l00 ($9,560.39) Dollars. THERE.E<'JRE, in conside:r'ation of the premises, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilpoy do order as follows, to- wit: Section 1. That bonds shall be issued upon the security of the said unpaid assessments to the amount of Nine Thousand. Five Hundred, Sixty and 32/100 ($9,560.32) Dollars, in accord- ance with the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911" and the "Improvement Bond A.ct of 1915" of the State of California, as amended and now in effect, and under and pursuant to the resolu tions, not ices and proceedings of said Mayor' and Conunon Co'uncil of the City of Gil:roJ." duly adopted and taken. Said bonds shall be called "Improvement Bondstt shall be fifty-five in number, shall be dated February 4th, 1929, and bear intspest at the rate of seven percent per annum from the 9th day of January, 1929, and the denominations of said bonds and of the interest cou pons required to be attached thereto, with their respective numbers and dates of ma turi t:)r are as folloY/s, to-wit: Series Number Denomination Date of Ma turi t~r Number of Bond 4 -1928 1 $ 500.00 JUly 2, 1930 4 -1928 2 100.00 July 2, 1930 4-1928 3 100.00 July 2, 1930 4-1928 4 lOO.OO July 2, 1930 4-1928 5 69.l2 July 2, 1930 4-l928 6 500.00 July 2, 1931 4-1928 7 100.00 July 2, 1931 4 -1928 8 lOO.OO July 2, 1931 4-1928 9 100.00 July 2, 1931 4 -l928 10 69 . l2 July 2, 1931 4 -1928 11 500.00 July 2, 1932 4-1928 l2 100.00 July 2, 1932 4-1928 13 lOO.aO July 2, 19~2 4 -1928 14 100.00 July 2, 1932 4 -1928 15 69.12 July 2, 1932 "1r',C) ~J::J l.) Sel'ies Number Number of Bond DenOlr.ina t ion Date of Maturity 4-1928 4 -1928 4-1928 4-1928 4-1928 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 '" ~ 500.00 180.00 100.00 100.00 69.12 500.00 100.00 lOO.OO 100.00 69.12 July 2, 1933 July 2, 1933 July 2, 1933 July 2~ 1933 July 2, 1933 July 2, 1934 July 2, 1934 July 2, 1934 July 2, 1934 July 2, 1934 4 -1928 4-1928 4-l928 4-1928 4 -1928 4 -1928 4-1928 4-1928 4-1928 4-1928 26 27 28 29 30 500.00 100.00 100.00 lOO.OO 69.12 July 2, 1935 July 2, 1935 July 2, 1935 July 2, 1935. July 2, 1935 4 -1928 4-1928 4-1928 4 -1928 4 -1928 41 42 43 44 45 500.00 lOO.OO lOO.OO 180.00 69.l2 July 2, 1936 July 2, 1936 July 2, 1936 July 2, 1936 JUly 2, 1936 July 2, 1937 July 2, 1937 July 2, 1937 Ju ly 2, 1937 July 2, 1937 July 2, 1938 July 2, 1938 July 2, 1938 July 2, 1938 July 2, 1938 4 -1928 4-1928 4 -1928 4-l928 4 -1928 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 69.l2 4-1928 4-1928 4-1928 4-l928 4 -1928 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 69.12 4 -1928 4-1928 4-1928 4-1928 4 -1928 51 52 53 54 55 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 69.12 July 2, 1939 July 2, 1939 July 2, 1939 July 2, 1939 July .2, 1939 July 2, 1940 July 2, 1940 July 2, 1940 July 2, 1940 July 2, 1940 4 -1928 4-1928 4..1928 4-1928 4 -1928 46 47 48 49 50 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 69.12 AND BE IT FURTHER OHDERED That with respect to said bonds having a den,lmination of $500.00 the first coupon to bee OOle due and payable thereon shall be of the denomination of $34.32, and that each of the other coupons attached thereto and which will become payable thereafter shall be of the denomination of $17.50. . And that with respect to said bonds having a denomination of $100.00 the first coupon to become due and payable thereon shall be of the denomination of $6.86, and that each of the other cou- pons attached thereto and which will become payable thereafter shall be of the denomination of $3.50. And that with respect to said bonds having a denomination of $69.12 the fir'st coupon to become due and payable thereon shall be of the denomination of $4.74, and that each of the other 39;~ ~ :~ ..,~ '...~ '\-. '--' coupons attached thereto and which will become payable thereafter --, shall be of the denomination of $2.42. Section 2. Said bonds shall be issued in series, and the un- paid assessments, as shown on said list filed by the Superin- tendent of Streets and determined by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy, together with the interest thereon, shall remain and constitute a trust fund for the re- demption and payment of said bonds and the interest to become due thereon, whicn unpaid assessments shall be payable in an- nual series corresponding in number to the number of series of bonds issued, and an even proportion of each assessment shall be payable in each year preceeding the date of the maturity of each of the several series of bonds issued, and such proportion of each assessment coming due in any year, together with the an- nual interest thereon, shall in turn be payable in installments as the generaJ taxes of said City on real property are payable, and shall become delinquest at the same time and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penal- ties for delinquency. Said bonds shall be signed by the rrreasurer of said City of Gilroy and be countersigned by the Clerk of said City, who shall affix thereto the corporate seal of said City; the interest coupons attached to said bonds shall be signed b;y the Treasurer of said City or bear his engraved, printed or lithographed signature, and sucn signing and sealing of said bonds by said officers, and the signing of said coupons by said Tl'easurer, shall constitute and be a binding execution of each and everyone of said bonds and all of the coupons thereof respectively. Said bonds shall be substantially in the fOl'm set forth in the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915" of tlle state of California as amended and now in effect. The interest coupons attached to said bonds and evidenc- ing the interest to accrue and become due thereon shall be numbered consecutively beginning with the number one, inclusive, and shall be substantially i;l the following form, to-wit: Coupon No. ___..__ $ The City of Gilroy, California, will pay to the bearer hereof on the second day of 19 1:")O'h ,~ .l-,~' ~._) at the office of the Treasurer of said City the sum of $ , being the semi-annual interest due on Improvement Bond No. of Series No. Dated Treasurer of the City of Gilroy Section 3. Said bonds shall forthwith be delivered to the contractor in satisfaction of the balance due upon the assessment and warrant. VOTE: Ayes, Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald,-C. E.-Fredrickson, John A. Clark, Irvin HOllister, Elmer J. Chesbro. Noes, Councilmen None. Absent, CounGilmen E. Martin Johnson. E. F. ROGERS Clerk of the City of Gilroy Approved: (SEAL) James princevalle Mayor of the City of Gilroy. Motion by Clark, seconded by Fredrickson and carried: Tbat the City Attorney is hereby instructed to ~orward agreement to the Shepherd heirs for the purchase o~ a cer- tain strip of land near sewer farm and when the said agree- ment is properly approved a warrant in the amount of $168. will be ordered drawn. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fred- rickson, John A. Clark, Irvin Hollister, E1mer J. Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, Kone; Absent Councilman E. Martin John- son. The regular monthly bills were then read and by motion of Fredrickson, seconded by Clark and carried were allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount of warrants $ 4,163. 57 on the General Fund. The matter of purchase ot 96 feet ot S-inch water pipe left in the hands ot the Water Adjourned subject to the call o~ the chair. Department Committee. G :i uPOJ1~!j~ -, City Cl~.