Minutes 1929/02/27 396 Cilroy, Calif., Feb. 27th, 1929. The regular adjourned meeting oj the common Oouncil of Fel. 4th, 1929, was calied to order by His honor Mayor ,as. PrinceTalle. Present Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fredrick- son, JohD A. Clark,. Irvin Hollister, Elemer J. Chesbro; Ab- ..~ I sent Councilman E.Martin JohDson. Dr. Boland H. Prien presented tinal report as Health Otfioer o~ the City ot Gilroy, and at the same time resign- ,- ed the said ottioe. Motion by Hollister, seconded by Fredrickson and carried that report be filed and the resignation accepted. Motion by Fitzgerald, seconded by Fredrickson and carried that D. L. F. Vaughn be appointed as Health Of ricer in place ot Dr. R. H. Prien. Theo. Weldon presented resignation as driver of Fire Ap- paratus and by motion of Hollister, seconded by Clark and oarried said resignation was accepted. Chas. Shield and Chas. F. Sills made application for the position vacated by Theo. Weldon. Motion By Clark, seconded by Hollister and carried: That Chas. Shields be appointed to the position ot driver of tire apparatus. Motion by Fitzgerald, seconded by Clark and carried: That the City proceed with the matter ot installing addit- ional tire alarm faoilities at the public schools, Hospital and canne17. Motion by Fredrickson, seconded by Hollister and carried: that petition ot J. J. Cook to erect two garages be denied. Kotion by Chesbro, seconded by Fredrickson and carried: That $ 268.09 on account ot double assessment against M. E. Thomas be returned and that warrant be drawn in her tavor in said amount. The matter ot laying pipe across highway near the Ousley Banch was left with the Water Committee with power to act. The Clerk was instructedcto address the Supt. or the . Southern pac1tic Co. and state that 1t the proper watchmen were placed at certain crossings the speed ot trains could be increased to thirty-five miles per hour. Raymond W. Fisher applied for position as City Engineer. .'-~ ..< F....".,-~ '-, ('" '......I ~ "n~ 0LY $ Motion by C. E. Fredrickson, seconded by Irvin Bollister and carried : That Ray W. Fisher be appointed City Engineer ror the City or Gilroy. Motion by Walter G. Fitzgerald, duly seconded and carried: That Ray Burgess bring in a surveyor the City Water Pipe Line on Churwh streets and other streets as pro~sed to be paved. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. rf fi ()( {!JrUV) City ~erk. ,