Minutes 1929/04/01
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Gilroy, Calif., April 1st, 1929.
fhe regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was call-
ed ~o o~der by His Bo~or Mayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, E. Martin Johnson,
C. E. Fredrickson, Irvin Bolli~ter, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent
Councilman John A. Clark.
The minutes or meetings of March 4th read and ordered approv-
Reports of c~ty Of ricers presented as follows: License and
Tax Collector, Police Judge, City Clerk, ~ilk and Meat Inspec-
tor, also quarterly reports of rinancial transactions by the
Treasurer aDd Clerk, and by motion of Chesbro, secondeR by Hol-
lister aDd carried said reports were accepted and ordered placed
on file.
A petition asking abatement of nuisance at the John Frechou
property on North Eigleberry street presented.
By motion of Fitzgerald seconded by Chesbro and carried, it
was ordered: That the matter of the removal or improvement or
the Frechou property be left with the City Attorney.
By motion of Fitzgerald seconded by Johnson Ordinance Num-
ber 358 was passed and adop~ed arte~ having been read and re-
read by title as follows:~
An Ordinance amending Article III,
of Chapter I, of Part I of the Municipal Oode of the City of
Gilroy, by adding a new Section thereto for the appointment
of ~eputies for City Treasurer, City Cle~k and City Marshal.
vote, Ayes, Councilmen Walter G. Fitzgerald, C. E. Fredrick-
son, Irvin Hollister, ~1mer J. Chesbro; Noes, Councilmen, None;
Absent Councilman John A. Clark.
The matter of liability of a deputy City Treasurer was rerer-
red to the City Attorney to confer with the bondi~ company and
ascertain the separate liability or each ofricial.
Motion by Fitzgerald seconded and carried: That building per-
wit be granted to Geo. Veteran to construct a re-inforced concrete
building in the Chtftatown district.
A motion was made by Chesbro, seconded by Fitzgerald that building
petition of Jolln J. Cook to construct two small garages on Eigle-
berry street be allowed.
was denied.
By vote of the Council the-said petition
Sewer Committee instructed to bring in an itemized statement show-
ing the amount of pickets and wire necessary for fence at Sewer Farm.
Motion by Hollister, seconded by Fredrickson and carried: That
we proceed to advertise for pipe-and materials fer water mains as
outlined by the Water Superintendent.
The City Engineer and the street Committee reported that they had
checked up on the petitions ror street paving and found that the
signers thereon were sur:ricient.
Motion by Hollister, seconded by E. Martin Johnson and carried:
That the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the preliminary
survey of the streets proposed to be paved as follows:
S~reet from South side of present pavement on First street to the
North line of Sixth street;
Martin- West side of Railroad street
to West line of Forest street;
to West line of Forest street;
Sixth- From S. P. Railroad tracks
Eigleberry- From South line of
sixth Street to the North line of-Seventh street;
Alley-way be-
tween the South line of Fourth street and the North line of' Seventh
Motion by Fitzgerald seconded and carried: That petition for
opening alley-way in Block 5 North, 2 West be referred to' the
Street Department Co~ttee.
Motion by Hollister, seconded by Chesbro and carried: That we
advertise for sale the city lot on North Monterey street, part of
the Septic Tank property on East and Old Gilroy Streets and the
five-acre tract South of the Old Gilroy road.
The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Chesbro,
seconded by Johnson and carried were ordered allowed and warrants
ordered drawn.
Amount of warrants allowed
$ 4431.69 on the General Fund.
Adjourned until Monday,
April 8th, 1929, at 5:00 p.m.
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