Minutes 1929/08/05 Gilroy, Calif., Aug. 5th, IS'29 ~ ~+r"" 1#*'"...... c'~ ~,: -.;~' . hf 448 The regulAr monthly meetIng of the Common Council WfiS call- ed to order by His Honor, Mayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Walter G. :P'jtzgerald, E. IvTBrtin Johnson, r<< f; ~ ~. j.: ~ ~: C. E. FredriCkson, Irvin HOllister, Elmer J. Chesbro; Absent Coun- ".... cilmen, John A. Clark. The minutes of meetings of July 1st, July l7th, July 22nd " and July 24th, were read and ordered approved. Reports presented BS follows: Marshal's license report, Police Judge, City CJerks end lFater Collector and by motion of E. ~-i.(' ,: ;,t, (~ -- ~: Mrrtin JOhnson, seconded by Chas. E. FredriCkson, ordered accept- ed and placed on file. The clerk and Assessor presented Assessment Roll for the s!: ~; ",,' years 1929-1930, and by motion of 1.tJalter G. Fitzgerald, second- ~- ed by Elmer J. Chesbro, the book was accepted and the clerk was '- ,,' instructed to publish notices of the meetings of the Board of tt-~,. 'f.~L Equalization on the dates, vi?; Wednesday, August 14th; VJednes- day, August 21st; Bnd \"ednesdey, August 28th, 1929. The Southern Pacific Company presented petition for change fuel oil tanks and by motion of Walter G. Fitzgerald, seconded i~ The s8id bids Viere opened and read and are novo' on file in ;r ':r ;:i i~ :$ ~} .4 ~f ~'" , A, t.'" ~" by C. E. Fredrickson, said netition wps granted. Motion by Fredricksen, seconded by Hollister and carried; That we proceed to onen the bids for paving. the Office of the City Clerk. Motion by Elmer J. Chesbro, seconded by Irvin Hollister that said bjds be referred to the Street Commi ttee and Ci ty Engineer to report back on August 6tn, 1929. The regular monthly bills were then reed and by motion of Chss. E. Fredrickson, duly seconded ~'nd CArried VIel'e allm~:ed ~ :t ,'f. A. ;1 i' ~ and warrants ordered drawn. ;1l-/ .:it fit Amount of warrants 8llo'Ji'ed; $5943.04. , Adjourned until TueSday, August 6th, 1929, at 8:00 O'clock ~' ".,',,' P. M. C:~ ~- -crty Cl ~..