Minutes 1933/06/29
Gilroy, Cali.f; June 29, 1933,
The regular adjourned meeting of the Conlilon Council of June
19th, 1933, was called to order by His Honor Layor :;~lmer J.
Present.,. >::mnc ilmen ::"aston, Hush, Heck, \lentz, Milias; Ab-
sent Gouncilman :3oock.
:Motion by ';Jentz, seconded by IvIilias: That $ 10,000.00 be
ordered trans ferJ..'ed from the Waterworks Fund to the General
,Fund and also that or 211.16 be transferred from the General
Fund to the Street Improvement Bond Fund.
Lotion by Heck seconded by Easton and carried: That Fred Rea
be gharged ".? 15.00 for each slot machine and that the number
of machines be not greater than 75 and that t~e license fee
be payable one-half now:J.2,and the remainder in January, 1934.
lillyor Chesbro was excused and the chair was taken by Coun-
cilman Geo. C. Milias, Jr.
Motion by Wentz seconded by Heck that Ordinanee No. 397
be passed and adopted after having been read and re-read by
title as follows:
An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy
adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 178 of the
statutes of 1933 of the state of California and classifying
the various types of licenses and prescribing the amount and
TJWnEer of collection of license fees and taxes for the sale
and distribution of beverages and repealing Ordinances No's.
392 and 393 of said City and imposing penalties for the vio-
lation of said Ordinance.
Vote, Ayes Councilmen ~entz, Heck, Rush, Milias, ~aston;
Noes,,;ouncilmen, None; J'.bsent Councilman Boock.
~{esolution of respect to the memory of the late ';;al tel' G.
Fitzgerald were presented.
Liotion by \!entz seconded by Easton that the following reso-
lution be passed and adonted as follows:
$ I{eeoo lu ti 0 f1 =IF- 33- C
c,~rEEREAS, Honorable ',ial tel' G. Fitzgerald has passed from
amone; us, and,
';/l~:LR:s;..S, he was at the time of his uecease Oi ty Attorney of
Gilroy, a former Mayor and counciman thereof and possesse(~ of
those sterling qualities that make for the COnJI.lOn good of
mankind, and,
'.JHEHEAS, his entire life was by him devoted to the better-
') il't' ')
BE IT ImSOLV:::;L, that Vie the undersigned I\layor and Common
ment of his fellow citizens and the upbuildin8 of this com-
munity, now, therefore,
Council of the rJi ty of Gilroy, do by these presents make a
permanent record of our regret because of his passing, and do
order that this resolution be spread at length upon the minu-
tes of this city; and that a copy thereof be delivered to his
widow and children
3lmer J. Chesbro, Mayor,
Geo. Easton, :Jouncilman,
C~eo. A. ',"lentz, !I
~: iP: It~~:
George C. lililias, Jr~'" Counc ilrnan,
Fred C. Boock.
I _ - " -<~ .F .' .> C-:;-~'_.
V,ote, Ayes. (~ouncilrnen Wetltt, }I~dk, 'Kl.isfl, LTllia's', Iiaston',
iJ.,.lt19~:r.lt't ,;O'Wllc;i-Itm/BJIlBO'C1.ck;. 1\lOes,. Councimen, None.
;,otion by ','tc:nt..::: seconded by i::aston ancl carriee) that the
~ity extend a vote of thanks to Supervisor Ilenry Hecker for
paving certain streets in the City of Gilroy.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the Chair.
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