Minutes 1933/07/03 ~ ');!1,' ") kiD. Gilroy, Calif., July 3rd, 1933. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called for this date. Owing to the absence of the I.layor Elmer. J. Chesbro a mo- tion was made by Geo. C. Milias, Jr. seconde6 by Geo. Easton that Geo. A. ~entz be anpointed President Pro-tem. Present Councilmen :Gaston, Rush, Heck, ',!entz, l.lilias; Absent Councilman Boock. The minutes of the various meetings held during the ~nth of June were read and ordered approved. j:otion by Heck, seconded by Easton and carried: That the beer license tax be collected semi-annually. '3everal communications wel'e read and ordered illaced on file. .' Heports of city officers for the month of June .were read and by motion of Heck seconded by Rush ordered accepted and placed on file. Applications for beer licenses presented and referred to the Committee on Safety. The regular monthly bills for June were presented and G) .~ tl) """ad by motion of ]jilis.s seconded by Eeck a Yle::. C8.ITied ordered al- Imved c;nd warrants ordered dravm. Amount of iiarrants Dlluwed./ :~5i36.?9 on the (~eneralliund. l~atter of chanse on water Dine line on ~ast ixth .treet left wi th the ',mter Camilli ttee vii th DOVler to act. ~djourned subject to the call of the Chair. ? g <<?:~:))JL . if. "':,n i-1 - l..- ~,l t~., "It "". $