Minutes 1934/01/02
Gilroy, Galif., Jan. 2nd, 1934.
The regularv monthly meeting of the Common Counvil was
called to order by His Honor Mayor Elmer J. Chesbro.
Present CounCilmen Geo. Easton, J. H. Rush, Fred C.
Boock, S. D. Heck, Geo. A. Wentz, Geo, C. Milias, Jr.
Absent Councilmen, None.
The minutes of meetings of Dee 4th and Dec. 11th, 1933,
were read and ordered approved.
Reports of City Officers were read and by motion of Geo.
A. Wentz, seconded by Fred C. Boock and carried ordered ac-
cepted and placed on file.
Motion by Wentz seconded by East~n and car,ried that
$ 299.13 be transferred from the General Fund to the Water
Motion by Wentz seoonded by Milias and carried that Judge
Leon T. Thomas be appointed Police Judge of the City o~ Gilroy
for the ensuing year.
Wheeler Hospital Association made request for a donation
of $ 400.00 toward maintenance of Hospital.
Motion by Heck seconded by Boock that donation of $ 400.00 .
be al10wed the Wheeler Hospital and that warrant be ordered
Owing to conflict between the Ordinances governing license
to be charged plumbers and sub-contractors the Clerk was di-
rected to collect $ 5.00 from each plumber for the period be-
tween Ian. 1st and June 30th, 1934.
The regular monthly bills were presented and by motion
of Milias seoonded by Rush and carried were allowed and war-
rants ordered drawn.
Amount of warrants allowed $ 2903.13.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the Chair.
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City Clerk.
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