Minutes 1934/01/11
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The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Gouncil of
Jan. 2nd, 1934, was oalled to order by His Honor Mayor Elmer
J. Chesbro.
Present Councilmen Geo. Easton, J. H. RUSh, Fred C.
Boock, Geo. A. Wentz, Geo. C. Milias, Jr.;
Absent Coun-
oilman S. D. Heck.
The matter of proposed work on BOdfish Road water pipe
line was discussed.
Matter of Sewer extension South of Old Gilroy Street and
North of Eighth street oonsidered and the Sewer Committee was
instructed 80 prooeed with the work at once.
In the matter of Engineer's remuneration tor work in oon-
mection with the water pipe line it was decided to hold a meet-
ing on Friday evening and request Mr. Fisher to be present.
Motion by Milias, seconded by Boock and oarried: That
records of Births and Deaths as kept by thepity Clerk~e turned
over to Dr. C. M. Burchfiel, County Health officer, who will have
charge of this work in the future.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the Chair.
c; :J ~hU2,
E. F. Jdgers,
city Clerk.