Minutes 1934/02/05 264 Gilroy, Oalif., Feb. 5th, 1934. The regular monthly meeting of thr Common Oounoil was called too order by His Honor Mayor Elmer J. Chesbro. Present Councilmen Geo. Easton, J. H. Rush, Fred C. Boock, S. D. Heck, Geo. A. Wentz, Geo. C. Milias, Jr.; Ab- sent Counvilmen, None. The Minutes of meetings of Jan. 2nd, Jan. llth and Jan. 26, 1934 , were read and ordered approved. The monthly reports of City Officers for January were read and by motion of Wentz, seconded by Easton and oarried were acoepted and ordered placed on file. Motion by Milias seconded by Heck and carried that por- tion of the sewage department land on Old Gilroy street be rented to a Chinaman for the sum of $ 25.00ppe;reyear and further provided that if the rental agreement is made that the City lay the water pipe line to the property. Motion by Rush, seconded by Wentz and carried that the Fire Chief's car be deolared out of commission and t~at de- duction be made on the insurance bill. Motion by Rush seoonded by Wentz and carried that Fire Chief's oar be offered for sale. The regular monthly bills were presented and by motion of Milias seconded ~y Heok and carried that bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount of Warrants allowed, $ 3 7 7 7 I () 1 The following description of a right of way near the High School Grounds was ordered inserted in the minutes of the above date for reference purposed only. '" M. E. Thomas to Angeilo ~l)g~AP, Dated June 15, 1926. e.:'? .ki .. ~ '{"J" Situated in the City of Gilroy--- Reserving for the public the free and unobstructed use of all land lying within the boundaries of the following described parcel of land, to-wit: Beginning at a 4ft x 4" post marked "TIMsn standing at the South westerly corner of the above described l5.50 acre tract and running thence Northwesterly and along the Southwesterly line of said:, l5.50 acre tract north 26 deg. l8' West 1352.5 feet to a 4ft X 4ft post marked" C 2tt standing at one of the corners of said l5.50 acre tract; thence at right angles Southwesterly and still along the boundary of said l5.50 acre tract South 63 deg. 42' West 37.5 feet to an iron pipe: thence leaving said bouhdary and running at right angles Northwesterly North 26 deg 18 ' West 256.5 feet to an iron pipe standing in the Southerly line of the Leavesley Road at a point distant North 64 deg, 40 ' east 262.5 feet from the Northwesterly corner of said 15.50 acre tract; thence Northeast- erly and along saidSoutherly line of said Leavesley Road, North 64 deg, 40 ' East 85.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence leaving said roadand running long a line parallel with the first course of this description South 26 deg. l8 ' East 1605.8 feet to an iron pipe standing in the Southeasterly line of said l5.50 acre tract; and tence southwesterly and along said Southeasterly line of said 15.50 acre tract South 60 deg. 43 -~, West 37.55 feet to the point of beginning. Courses true, Var. 18 deg East. Adjourned subject'to the call of the Chair, G /f (jr~tUJ. E. F. Rogers, City Clerk. t