Minutes 1934/05/08 1274 t Gilroy, Cal~f. May 8th, 1934. The reg1 lar monthly meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy, was called to order by His Honor Mayor Elmer J. Chesbro. I i , , 27 {) Present Councilmen George Eastomn, George c. Milias, Jr. J. H. Rush, S. D. Heck, Fred C. Boock, J..bsent.tCouncilman :}eo. A. ',','entz. The minutes of meetin~s of April 2nd and April 30th, 1934, Vlere read and ordered apprHved The regular monthly reports of officers were read and by motiom of' Boock, secondec1 by Heck and carriedordered accepted andvplaced on file. Matter of ercting signs was left with the Fir~ Depart~ent Com- mittee. Ray W. Fisher, City Engineer, was directed to proceed with the survey work on Bodfish Mill road. The regular monthly bills were presented' and by motion of Boock, seconded by Heck and carried ordered allowed and warrants ordered dravvn. Motion by Boocl{, seconded by Rush and carried That the !-) following Hesolutiom be passed and adopted: Be it resolved by the L:ayor and Comrnon Council of the City of Gilroy, State of California, that the Southern Pacific Railroad be, and they are hereby permitted and allowed to raise the grade at the Leavesley ,i:{oad( Old Gilroy Hot Springs Hoad Crossing wi th 0. P. Tracks) to and/or not ~ore than a total of four (4) inches; providing that said Railroad Company pave the approaches thereto, at the time ane_after the making of such change or grade , with proper as- phalt paving approved by the Street Department of said City of Gilroy, California. Vote, Ayes Councilmen J. H. Rush, S. D. Heck, Geo. Milias, Jr., George Easton, Fred C. Boock; Noes, Councilmen None; Absent Councilman George A. ITentz. There being no further business to come before this meet- ~ ing upon motfuon of Councilman George ~aston, seconded by Council~ man S. D. Heck and carried this meeting is adjourned to Tuesday, the of said day. 15th day of VIsy, 1934, at eight 0' clock, p. m. . City Clerk.