Minutes 1934/06/01 28L1 Gilroy, Calif., June lst, 1934. w - ....... w l%j Q The regular adjourned meeting of the Co~rron Council of May 22nd, 1934, was called to order by His Honor Mayor iLlmer J. Ches~-, bro. Present Councilmen Easton, Rush, Boock, Heck, Milias; Absent Counci, man Geo. A. ~entz. The minutes of the Previous meetings were read and ordered ap- proved. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Councilman Milias, seconded by ~ouncilman Reck ordered allowed and warrants drawn. Amount of warrants allowed Oil' 2748.76 on the General It'und. Adjourned subject to the call of the 'Jhair. ::Y:e~d' l