Minutes 1934/08/06
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Gilroy, Calif., August 6th, 1934.
The Regular monthly meeting of the Common Counvil Das called
to order by His Honor Mayor Elmer J. Checbro.
Present Councilmen J. H. Rush, Fred C. Boock, S. D. Heck,
George A. ~entz, George C. Milias, Jr.;
Absent Councilman
~ The Minutes of meetings of July 2nd and July 30th were read and
~ ordered approved.
AP!Jlic:'i tions from James Battersby and Llr. Rubye Battersby were
read relative to the establishment of a funeral home on Forest
Motion by I;Iilias seconded by ','ientz and carried;
'rha t the
Council hold a special session on l~onday, August 13th, 1934 to
consider the matter of a funeral home.
Letter from Police Judge Leon T. Thomas relative to traffic vio-
L:ltions was laid over for further consideration.
I.lotion by ~;entz seconded by Rush and carried that applications
of James LTercer and Jess Rhodes for appointment as Nightwatchman
be ordered placed on file.
Reports of City officers were presented and by motion of Milias
seconded by ~entz and carried were ordered placed on file.
L:otion by Councilman George A. Wentz seconded by Councilman
George C. Milias, Jr. that Resolution N. 41 be passed and adopted
as follows:
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Gilroy, pur-
~ suant to a call and due advertisement for bids for the pur-
~ chase of cast iron pipe and all supplies and accessories in-
cident thereto, to be used for the acquisition, construction
and completion of a main cast iron pipe line to replace the
present steel pipe line convewing water to the City of Gilroy,
has received at least three bids for said uses and purposes;
, and,
~~REAS, the said Common Council did, at its meeting
held on July 30th, 1933, open, examine, and declare publically
all proposals or bids received for said cast iron pipe and
the supplies and accessories incident thereto; and,
VffiEREAS, this Common Council does hereby find that the
bid of the United States Pipe and Foundry Co. in the sum of
~1~29,63l.93 was and is the best bid offered for said cast iron
pipe, said supplies and accessories incident to said pipe line.
NOW THEREFORE, the Common Council does hereby order that
the said bid of the United states Pipe and Foundry Co. in the
sum of $29,63l.93 for the purposes and uses aforesaid be and
the same is accepted in accordance with its bid and subject to
approval of governmental agencies whose approval is necessary
as in such cases, made and provided.
The above and foregoing resolution was duly passed and
adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the Common Council
of the City of Gilroy on July 30th, 1934, by the following
AYES: Geo. Wentz, J. H. Rush, S. D. Heok, Geo. Milias, Jr.,
and Fred C. Boock.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Ben Stewart.
T.:ot ion by George C. Hilias, Jr. seconded by S. D. Eeck
th"t Resolution number Li2 be passed and adopted as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of
l. That the City Treasurer be, and he is hereby auth-
orized and directed to sell $29,000.00 principal amount of
hour of ten o'clock A.M. on Monday, the 20th day of August,
1934, be, and the same is hereby, set as the time until which
at the office of the City Treasurer, bids shall be received
for the purchase thereof.
2. That said City Treasurer be, and he is hereby auth-
orized and directed to cause notice of the sale of said bonds
to be published once in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch, the
official newspaper of the City of Gilroy, and that such notice
shall be in substantially the following form:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received
by the City Treasurer of the City of Gilroy, State of Cali-
fornia, at his office at the City Hall in said City until ten
o'clock A.M. of Monday, the 20th day of August, 1934, for
the purchase of $29,000.00 principal amount of the CITY OF
denomination of $1,000.00 each, all dated July 1st, 1934,
and will bear interest of not to exceed four (4) per cent
per annum, payable January 1st, and July 1st, in each year.
Said Water Main Replacement Bonds shall mature as follows:
$1,000.00 principal amount of bonds mature
July 1st, 1935 in each of the years 1935
to 1945, both inclusive.
$2,000.00 principal amount of bonds mature
in each of the years 1946 to 1954, both
inclusi ve.
Said bonds will be issued for the purpose of the ac-
quisition, construction and completion of a main cast iron
pipe line to replace the present main steel pipe line convey-
ing water to the City of Gilroy.
Both principal and interest of said Water Main Replace-
ment Bonds will be payable in lawful money of the United
States of America at the office of the City Treasurer of the
City of Gilroy, California. Said Water Main Replacement Bond:
~ shall bear interest at a rate to be stated on the face there-
of, not to exceed (4) four per cent per annum, payable ~emi-
annually. Each bidder shall specify in his bid the rate of
interest he desires said Water Main Replacement Bonds to
bear and the premium offered. The rate of interest for all
of said bonds must be in multiples of t of l~; but it shall
not be necessary that the rate be uniform for any of said
bonds and split rate interest bids will be ~cceptable. The
highest bid will be determined by deducting from the total
amount of interest which the City would b i
e requ red to pay
up to the maturity of said bonds at th
- _e coupon rates spec-
ified in the bid, the amount of the i ff
prem urn 0 ered therefor.
and the award will be made at the lowest net interest cost
to the City. Said bonds shall not be sold for less than
their par value and accrued interest thereon to date of del-
ivery. Bids must be made for all of said bonds and not for
any portion thereof.
For the convenience of the City Treasurer bidders are
requested, but not required, to submit a calculation of the
total net interest cost to the City on the basis of their
respective bids, which estimate however, shall not be con-
clusive upon the bidder or upon the City.
The assessed value of all real and personal property
in the City of Gilroy subject to taxation for municipal
purposes is $2,879,287.00. The total bonded indebtedness
is $l65,OOO.00.
The validity of this issue has been approved by Messrs.
Orrick, Palmer and Dahlquist, Attorneys at Law, San Francisco,
California, whose opinion will be furnished the successful
bidder without charge.
With each proposal must be submitted a certified check
or a cashier's check made payable to the order of the City
Treasurer in the sum of $ 9.fiOO_OO
, which certified or
cashier's check will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder
in case of the rejection of his proposal. The certified check
of the successful bidder will be forfeited in case he neglects
to pay for the bonds bid for by him within ten days after notice
to him in writing, that said bonds have been duly executed and
are ready for delivery. The right to reject any and all bids
is hereby reserved to the City of Gilroy.
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This notice is given pursuant to resolution of the Common
Council of the City of Gilroy adopted August 6th, 1934.
P. R. Colson
City Treasurer of the
City of Gilroy, California
3. That said City Treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized
~ and directed to mail notice of the sale of said Water Main Re-
placement Bonds to the State Treasurer and to the Department
of Finance of the State of California.
4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of August, 1934, by the
following vote:
AYEs: Councilmen George A. TIentz, S. D. Heck, George
1.f\lias, Jr., J. H. Rush,
NOES: Councilmen, None,
ABSENT: Councilmen Fred C. Approved
Boock, and Ben Stewart .~ C (~
Effective August 6th, 1934.
Motion by Councilman Heck, Seconded by Councilman J. H.
Rush end ?arried that all appointive officers salaries be
advanced $ 5.00 cOllUllencing with present month.
Motion by Councilman George A. V;entz, secondec' by Council-
man George C. Milias, Jr. that salary of Joseph Sartor be in-
creased to
85.0 per month commencing on Auguat 1st, 1934.
Itotion by JvIilias seconded by Heck that the necessary tools
for cleaning sewers be ordered purchased.
ThE.C~ regular monthly bills were presented and by motion of
Councilman J. H. Rush seconded by Councilman S. D. Heck said bills
were allowed and warrants ordered drawn.
Motion by Councilman 'Wentz seconded by Councilra.anJil'eck and
and c"rried that Certified checks and bid honds Gccompanyinc
bids for pipe be returnec to the unsuccessful bidders.
~;'djournec.'" until :,10nday, Aug.
lzth, 19~4, nt 8 O'clock, p. m.
City Clerk.