Minutes 1934/11/05 ~on Gilroy, C~)lif., Nov. 5th, 1'J34,. ... ., ,-,'".; ..- -... W tI:i Q The regular monthly meeting of tIre Common Council was call- en to order by Fis Honor r~8.yor Elmer J. Chesbro. rresent Councihnen J. H. Rush, :Fred C. Boock, S. D. Eeck, Ben stewart, George A. V:entz, George C. Milias, Jr., Absent, Councilmen, None. The Minutes of meetings of Oct. 1st 'lnd Oct. 8th, 1934 were read and ordered approved. It was the order of the Council that hereafter when a uronertv owner desires stakes set for curbs for sidewalks - ~ . where the same have previously been set that the exnense be borne by the pcrty desiring the stakes set. The regular monthly bills were presented and by motion of Councilman George A. 'iientz, seconded, by Councilman :Fred C. 300c1 ordered allowed snd warrants dr0wn. r,10nthly reports of officers 'were read and by motion of Councilman George A. '.7entz, seconded by Councilman J. H. Rush ordered accented and placed on file. Councilman Fred C. Boock introduced J:esolution humber 54 and the same was seconded by Co~ncilm3n Ben. stewart, and the title of said Resolution being as follows: Resolution Number 54, A Resolution approving [; grant agreement between the City of Gilroy, nd the United States of .Ameriqa, and uuthorizing its execution. 'i'his Resolution is filed in entirety among the Records of the ~;i ty of Gilroy and dated November 5th, 1934. Vote, Ayes Councilmen J. E. Rush, ]'red C. Boock, S. D. _ ',; Heck, Ben stewart, George A. Wentz, George C. Milias, Jr. It Was moved by George A.;Jentz ahd seconded by George C. Milias, Jr. thct the meeting adjourn, Said motion was carried, ~~fl~' ..