Minutes 1936/05/06
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Gilroy-, C'alifornia. May- 6th, 1936
The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order
by His Ifonor, Mayor Elmer J. Chesbro.
~ Present Councilmen were S. D. Heck, J. H. Rush, Ben Stewart, George A.
[Jentz, George C. Milias, Jr.. Absent Councilman: Fred C. Boock.
The minutes of April 6th and April 17th were read and approved. Motion
by Wentz, seconded by Rush that the City proceed to do the paint job at the
Library, and the matter was left with the Buildings and Grounds Committee.
Motion by Heck, duly seconded and carried, that the Mayor and Clerk be
authorized to sign the new project statement.
The matter of canvassing the vote at the recent municipal election was
taken up.
;':; i,:\..._--
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HE:"".! Lt'1~T,. that on r~ooday. the 4'th day of" ~ny. lelae" en
election vil1 be held t,n tIle C1ty of (H,lroy" County of <'1ant8. Clara.
State of California" for th(~ !)tlrpoae of electing the fol1c~;l1nc.: City
';ff'ieers f'or the City of CH.lroy"v1z:
r~ayor" Six Councilmen" 'Treasurer" City Clerk and ;,Jarahal.
Par said election two precincts are hereby establIshed &nit the
boundaries thereof" polling places and hoards of election are 8S
tollows I
!,1CT r
All thot nortion. of the ity of Gilroy included
wlthb, the lJOU11{1tu~los of' '}11ro:v Pl"9cl.'1Ct
1 an,d Gilroy Precin.ct
';0. 2 of the City 01' :]:!lroy as 'estahlished by the Boerd of: Hupervlsors
or the Coun,t'Y of Sm"ltn GltU"'tl" f;tate of Ctlli1'ornln. For the tJurpoae
of th'.s election said Gilroy-Precinct No. 1 and Gilro:l Precinct '::0. 2
ere hCl'~'t.>jr c(>m01ned en(l for the pllrpOSO of' said. ','iunlelpel Flection
sl'c'll 1>0 kl'10\'111 no tt A"
:(, ^(~T.
r>ol11!~ '.~laee :
unlclpel l'lrc House on 1'1rtl'\ ;~trcot.
'''::>Qrc1 of tleet ion :
Inspector W. s. '~')')RE
--"""-"'-"""'-"".""~'''''''-'''''''-._-''''-' _....'"'..,--,._-......-_,..~
Jndges L CFMt('fi. . o.r1,d r'fAY HOLvJ~~BACK '
_...__-"._..,._,,-.....___...._~....'i'!'-.-...- ~,~......"....""_,.__,___..,._._....__,_,. '-""-_",_
lor'''s rVr.:n'AH }':'('>C~lE;r.~'}lG and NIU..LIE J.. McCom~Ir'K'
". ~'il. _ W';:"t1<r ..;;,.!.......;..;_.~_~,,~~~t:_,___ ~_....,'__.............<._,__c___~._._ '''-''
n:n(' ~'-n, ,r T~O~l.ali! .
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All that port,ion of' tho Ctty of'111~OY tncl'H'ed
within tt.(') bO'lJl'l<.'1uriea of";lb"'O'Yl"ooinet C). 3. 'a1t'(")";.! 'p'ee11"ct T'0. 4
Q)}",1 Gilroy Prec:!.nct ;:0. f;. or t11f) lty of' :-;:LIra,. flU establ'.shed 1,11'
tLo 'if'mrtl or f'upcrv1.eors of thf-' ,o'Unty of ;,>ftntn lara. ~jt:e.te of'
C."'.",l. "'.. p_'.' '-.'rn'.,....' pf"",. ~l^n. V}'l~"'Q
\';.~ - _. .~. ~- Q ! ',.>1A. ,- ;;. , ~:..J t, .",..If. ,l:'" "....~j,~'
t1'>18 electiorl SQ:U~ 'J11ro;.r Precinct
::0. 3" Gilroy reclnct<(). 4 rmdHlvo:,>r h"eclnct "0. fl m--e h)r>eby
.) ') Q
oomb1ned and shall be lmown as ItB" PRECInCT.
Poll1ng Place: City Hall on Sixth Street.
IJoard of' 3~:lectlon f
D. B. PAJUtB v
3udgos~ ltAI,Pfr flY.-01A!l
_f.'''' "<V
(llJI'~nG1" .....T'I':lIIft /'
\Zi"'..\1f\. .Lt :",r Lr .... '=~/
Cle:rks ~:ILDRn:I\ RAS'tnS:~;E}J and
and Ltrs. Gl.E:H CIJ~VEI,.AnD
-'-'--"-'~'.",.. -"-'-"-'<*"-"""'" ..~ ""-," ....,-.~~.,_.,:;_~,_.."...._c.c_
The polls 'Will 1''8 open at nine 0 'clock A.>t. on the day of
f:lectlon anfl rO!1"Aln open until six ()'clock P. . of' the some day.
When the poll s wl11 tee closed _ cJ":copt 8S provIded 111 ;,ectlon 1164
of t';.8 :'o13.t1enl God.s of ti}5 state of Cnl:U'ornla.
In vl1 ()ti~er reS':'ioets the 89,'.d election will be held in aceordm1ce~
with the '.~ener'll Flection laws of the ..,tate of Cn11fo:rnlt1.
The Clerk of' the C1 ty of' Gilroy wl11 CAuse the uecess81'7
proclan'lQtlon to be published.
Vote: AYJ<S. Counel1men-F.Ped C. Bof)ck. Ben r'tevmrt.J.eorge C.
~.'111as. Jl-.. J. f,. Rus}). n. . jock.. i;}ea. A. entz.
.. COtlnel1men-~:one
A .. Gouncl1men- one
. ~~:: J. Ches~~._Uayor
E. F. Rogers
----.--.,'. -City-Clerk
, .
R = SOL UTI 0 N.
I~O .
',;hereas the ::; i ty 0 f Gilroy is the owner 0 f certain real
property located on North 1~nt8rey street in the saia City of
Gilroy, hereinafter describec1 c.nd referred to as the L:ontcrey
street property, and
Whereas , the -.-]1i tehurst and Hodges Corporat ion, is the
owner of certain real property located on 6th. street in
the sa~d City of Gilroy, hereinafter described and referred.
to as the 6th street property, and,
~hereas, the said City of Gilroy is desirous of
purchasinG tb e said Sixth street property of an(l from the said
-.7hitehllrst and ==odCes, 2.. corporation, for the sum of
~4500.00, :~aid real property to be free and. clcar of all
encuY1brqnces 8aV'3 anile e):cel)t the ta::os fo~:' the year:~ 1936 and
1937, and,
-::hereas the said ':Ihi tehurst and Eodges, a cOrl)Orat ion
is desirous of purchasing the said =.~ontery street property
of and from the City of Gilroy for the sum of)4500.00,
said real propc:lrty to be free ano cleo-I' of all enC1.E'1brances
save and except the taxes for the years 1936 and 1937, Bnd
:;hereas, each of said parties desire to have the title
to said real properties certified and approved by a responsible
Abstract Company to be in the maDDer aforesaid, and each is
so willing and ready to sell and purc~e according to the
true antent and meaning hereof, now theI" for,c,
Bl:.: IT R=:SOLVilJ) by the Layor and Common Council in
reGular session assemblEd this 6th. day of I\:ay, 1936, that
the City of Gilroy purchase said 6th. ctreet property unon the
terms aforesaid and that it in turn sell the .saic1 1.lc!1terh
~treet property upon the aforesaid terms, provided however
that said purchases end sales s1:2.11 be consumat'?c! ',"1 t~ih
a reasonable time hereafter and in a mann..:::r and eusto.m as
is usual in the premises.
The said Sixth street nropertv js further described
her2in as Lct3 one (1) and six (~),uBlock One south,
Range 3 ~'iest.
The satbd I,lol1terey street property is further deseri bed
as The Northerly portion of Lot four (4), Block 3 IJcrth Hance
Cne ',jest, with il fronthage on L:ontery ::::treet of 70.20 feet,
and Lying Northerly fr5m the property of one E. L. Robinson.
Be it ~lrther resolved that the purchase
eaeh of said properties shall be conditioned
Done in regular session the
and sale o~
one upon the
6t~"Yc::_ ~~'aY, 1936.
C1e'-r!//g~ of Gilroy.
. , ~ tl
JlTow therefore as a resul tL of sUllh canvas s the tlayor
t3nc3 r::OJ'11...l'J.on Counc il find the number of votes cast for the vqrious
candidHtes to be as follows:
For I.Iayor,
s. D. TIeck,
Geo. IC. Vason,
v. Oddie,
. J. Chesbro,
Geo. ~. Renz,
LTrs. Gingg,
For Council,
.,..,.. .
~,:. ~~Elson,
(-;'eo. '~. Eilias, Jr,
J. H. Rush,
'len stewart,
'".iss TTouse,
E~rry L..ilkinson,
~h8s. Fredricks~~
For Tree1 su e1',
P. R .~olson,
For City Clerk,
E. F. :logers,
53~i ,
r. H. Trem') ine,
For:;i ty T'o r8h,,;1,
'alter 3. -'mite, 643,
Dick Goodrich, 2.
Dick :..:oward, 1.
And the T'f1yor n("on'"Y]on~~ouncil find that the following officers
are duly elected to the resn8ctiv8 offices 8S follows:
l'a: or, S. D. Peck, Councilrnen 1':at Heiner, 0eo. F. son,
Geo. C. Milias, Jr, J. H. R~sh, Pen stewart, Farry L. iJ-
kinson, City Treasurer, P. R. Colson, City 01erk, ~. F. Rogers,
Jit:r 1~8rshal, '."alter S.'.,'hite9
ana thAt certificates o~
election be issued to such officers.
Motion duly made and carried that Resolution No. 65 be passed as
follows: Vote: AYES: J. H. Rush, S. D. Heck, Ben Stewart, George A. Wentz,
George C. Milias, Jr.
NOES: None. Absent: Fred C. Boock,
Motion duly made and seconded that Resolution No. 66 be passed and
adopted as follows: Vote: AjES: Councilmen J. H. Rush, S. D. Heck, Ben
Stewart, George A. Wentz, George C. Milias, Jr. NOES: None. Absent:
Council Fred C. Boock.
;) "0-"
Motion by Rush, seconded by deck that the following resolution be
passed and adopted.
-.,-hereas a deed to the hereaft or d esc ri b er "'e'"'1
property has been issued to the City of Gilroy by
',-,'alter '.7hi.te, the tax collector of said City by
reason of c0rtain 001inqucnt taxes acainst said
property, and,
',ir.ereas sairl delinquent taxes :h 'lve be en .:7e,id
'j...,=T th p ol'mers of sO.id reDl ::,ropc:rty -::n(l a-:::,rt.ificate
of relemption has been iGsued tberefor, 23.1d real
:!)ropcrty boinS described as foJ.Jtr.7s:
=c:::irrin.:::: Q t t:hc ':::;nll-rh::ast corrvl'" of li'li'th and
Church 3+'~.'8ts '~nd ,,:,u:cminc thence easterly along the
Southerly line of Fifth utrect 90 feet; thenae Southerly
120 feet; t11 ene c '" G tc: :>ly ~'O f~ ct to the ..w3.sterly line
of Cturch 3treet; arc'L thcJ'l.c e nor+:herly alone; said le.st
mention'3o line 120 foet tn t'he D1aco of l"'~cinning, no~ t;~crcfor
13J.CJ :::1' :~~uLV.0D tha. t the; Ci.ty of Gilrcy, by and thru 'its
proper officers '?:cec'1te a rro~-v'T~uit-:J9itl deod to tho
OP:'1F't's of fJ2.ic. rocl ]I'or:,orty, tC'd t to Jonas Clark,
Jcr~n A. Clar}: CeDe. :,.a::ic Clark, SCticl <lee(" to be in joint
?assed and u:Dprove( by the I.~ayor and Con'::1on Council
of the 8j,ty of Gilroy in regular session assGI'1hlccLt'!lis
6th. da.y of I.:ay. 1936.
of 'J.ill'" o:r.
:"J '-f- ~
Vote on ftesolution: AYES: J. H. Rush, S. D. Heck, Ben Stewart, George A.
Wentz, George C. Milias, Jr. NOES: Councilman, None. Absent Councilman,
Fred C. Boock:
Election officers were allowed $6.00 each for serv~ces on Election Day.
The regular monthly reports were presented and were ordered placed on
file by motion of Wentz, seconded by Heck.
The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Wentz, seconded by
Rush ordered allowed and warrants ordered
Adjourned subject to the
call of the ehair.
E. F. Rog~s, City Clerk