Minutes 1936/06/08 Q'4 ",. / '.) ~- .11.. . Gilroy, California. June 8th, 1936 The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council of June 1st, , 1936, was called to order by His HOnor, Mayor, S. D. Heck. Present Councilmen: N at Heiner, George C. Milias, Jr., J. H. Rush, Ben Stewart, Harry L. Wilkinsnn, Absent: George M. Mason. Motion by Councilman J. H. Rush, seconded by Councilman Nat Heiner , that Logan and Fraser, public accountants be engaged to audit the City books as follmvs: For the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1936 for $200.00, and for 1936-1937 at $50.00 per quarter in both instances payable upon completion of the work for the period Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. so engaged. t:J,@ ~ fvJ,' ~ E. F. R~~rs, City Clerk .