Minutes 1936/07/22
Gilroy, Cali~ornia
July 22, 1936
The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council of July 13th, 1936",8
was called to order by His Honor, George C. Milias, Jr., Acting Mayor.
The first business taken up was in regard to the improvement of Old
Gilroy Street.
Motion by Wilkinson, seconded by Heiner, that we adopt the plans and
specifications for the work as prepared by City Engineer Ray W. Fisher.
Motion by Wilkinson, seconded by Milias, that we advertise for bids
for the impDovement of Old Gilroy Street, said bids to be opened on the
~irst Monday of AUg~st, said date being August 3rd, 1936.
George C. Renz appeared before the Board relative to the purchase of a
part of the old septic tank lot on Old Gilroy Street.
Motion by rlush, seconded by Wilkinson and carried: That the Southern
Pacific Railroad Company be ordered to have the following described side
walk,work done --to lay side'Vvalk and curb on the South side of Old Gilroy
Street between Alexander Street and Railroad crossing and sidewalk and curbs
on both sides of Railroad street and the railroad tracks on Old Gilroy St.
Adj ourned subj ect to f:' 1, d0ftV1' ,k~ ~,).
the call of the Chair.
E. F. Rage s, City Clerk