Minutes 1936/08/24
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Galif., August
24th; 1936.
The meeting of tbe Board ot Equalization was called to or-
der by His Honor, Mayor S. D. Heck.
Councilmen Nat Heiner, Geo.
M. Mason, Geo. C.
Milias, Jr., J. H. Rush, Ben stewart, Harry L. Wilkinson.
Councilen, None.
No oomplaints on assessments were made at this session of
the Board of equalization.
Motion by WilkiB~on, seconded by Milias that we adjourn
as a Board of equalization and re-convene as
a Common Coun-
cil in regular adjourned session.
Motion by Wilkinson, seconded by Heiner
that V. Oddie
be appointed to act as City Clerk.
Hugh S. Hersman appeared before the Board
the Gilroy Golf Club
Motion by Milias Seconded by Heiner that the City con-
tinue to pay
50.00 per mont~ to the man now employedas
long as the City can afford it
and the N~YOD approves.
A. P. Jensen appeared before the Board relative to the
permit to do business at the Fowler Rink.
machinery in the
bDilding to include shaper, band saw,;a joiner, etc. Not over
10,000 teet of lumber to be carried besides the cabinet shop and
machinery .
by Mi1ias'~ seconded by Stewart that permit be
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