Minutes 1936/10/03 <';') ,.....' ,M-' ~)i)a .. Gilroy, Calif., Oct. 3rd, .1936. Gilroy, Calif, Oct. 3rd, 1:936... The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council of Sept. 22, 1936 was called to order by His Honor I~yor S. D. Heck, Present Councimen George M. Mason, George C. Milias, 3r, JI H. Rush, Ben Stewart, . i . Absent Councilmen Nat Heiner, Harry L. Wilkinson. :) ~5 () 'l'he matter of armory and audi toriurn was taken up,} for c:.u ::::: t:O ~ Q discussion. A committee of thre,members composed of His Honor Mayor S. D. Heck, George C. Milias, Jr. and Cec111 Carlyle WaS appointed to contact a suitable architect, investigate the mat- ter thoroughly and render its report at the regular meeting on Monday, 06tober 5th, 1936. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair, ~! ~z:::::, City Clerk. t