Minutes 1936/11/18 '1,' 7 (,) dlv .. Gilroy, November 18, 1936. A regular adjourned meeting of; the Common Council of November 16th was called to order by His Honor, Mayor S. D. Heck. All members of the Council were present. Motion by George C. Milias, Jr., seconded by J. H. Rush, and oarried, that the matter of oonsidering and acoepting bids of the Auditorium. B~O C:u - .....-... co tx:i Bonds be held open for further consideration by the Board at "tJr~1~ Q regular meeting on December 7th, 1936. The Clerk was instructed to write F. Trathon to put in sidewalk and curb at once on Old Gilroy Street between Alexander and Forest street. It was ordered that the City Engineer be instructed to hav~lhtmself or an Inspector on Old Gilroy Bn~eet Paving Job during the time the work is in progress. The Clerk was instructed to write E. M. Rea to call the next time he is in Gilroy to discuss with the members of the Board the matter of broken sidewalk at 1st and Monterey street. A Deed was presented from the City Attorney between \ihitehurst ani Hodges, a corporation, and City of Gilroy concerning a tract purchased by the City of Gilroy on West 6th Street to be filed with the City records. Mr. Sydney S. Johnson apyeared before the Board relative to the Renz lot at 9th and Church st. and it Vias decided that he confer with the City Attorney as to taking proceedings. Motion by Wilkinson, seconded by Stewart, and carried, that the City Durchase a pick-up car and call for bidE at its regular meeting, Monday December 7th, 1936. A letter was received from the Super1Dtendent of Schools asking for reduct ion of ",-ater Rates for the schools, also to repair the street along Forest Street from Hot Springs Road/to Martin Street. The letter was placed on file. Adjourned to December 7th, 1936. rJ.d?~ .~)~ E. F. Rogers, City Cljrk ..