Minutes 1936/12/07
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Gilroy, l:Uifornia
December 7th, 1936.
T.he regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His
Honor, Mayor 5. .1). Heck. All members of the Council were present.
Minutes of meetings of l"tovember 2, 6, 16th, 18, 23, and 25th, were
read and approved.
A reQuest was made by the Gilroy Women's Civic Club for permission
_ location
to place two signs at the corners of 5th and ~onterey Streets showing I
of the Wheeler Hospital. The matter was left with the Chairman of the
Street Committee. A permit was granted John Riksheim to erect a
corrugated iron warehouse in the alley between 5th and 4th street, owned
by H. R. Chesbro. .Permit was granted Low Dan to re-build an apple dryer
on South Monterey ;;)treet as per plan submitted.
The ~~yor appointed George C. ~Qlias, Jr. and ~at Heiner, a committe
to meet with the City Attorney, and draw up a resolution in memory of
our late CounCilman, Ben Stewart.
Motion by Milias, seconded by wilkinson, and carried, that ~oe Walsh
- .
be paid seven dayls salary, as night watchman; this being the period
disallowed by the State Compensation .insurance <.;.ompany. Motion by
Wilkinson, seconded by Heiner that reports of offices be accepted and
placed on file.
The City Marshal was to be instructed to order all penny weighing
machines off the sidewalk in front of buildings and to be kept off in
the future.
Dick Goodrich appeared before the Board and pleaded guilty to the
charges made against him.
Monthly bills were presented and/a motion by Milias, seconded by
Rush, these bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer~
At this point, the Mayor and Members of the Council went into executive
session regarding the case of Dick Goodrich, the result of which was that
his suspension was made permanent.
t: J. rRdj-'-V?,
E. F. Ro~rs
City Clerk
Adjourned to December 16th, 1936
at 8:00 p.m.
) :",
RES 0 L UTI 0 N N 0....1!
vmF:m~J~E, Ben 8tewart, a oi t1zen of Gilroy. Cl:.illforn1a.
has passc.d from our midst, and,
WHEREA&., he was a member of the Cor,nnon Couno 11 of the
oity ot Gilroy, California and a use~ll and upright oitizen
of this oommunity.
~row, THEFEFORE. be it resolveo by the Mayor and Common
Council in due session assembled. that we note the passing
of our fell')w member with regret; and we further set forth
that Ben Stewart. 8 member of this Common Council was fair
1n all his dealings with the publio and with tbis body.
Be it further resolved that a oopy of this ~esolution
be spread 'l"on the minutes of this body tlnd that a oopY of
this resolution be sent to his w1dow, dated Deoemter 7. 1936.
AYES: Gounol1man Lot IIeiner.,1eorge ;. ;:il1as Jr,
J. n. ihlSh, George E. Mason, !Tarry 1....;11kinson.
NOES: . one
l~SENT: None
Deputy City Clerk