Minutes 1937/06/07
June 7,1937.
The regular meeting of the Common Council is called to order
by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck.
Present Councilman George Milias,Jr.,J.H.Rush,Nat Heiner,
George Mason,H.L.Wilkinson.
Absent Councilman:None
Minutes of the meeting of May 3rd and special meeting of r':;ay
17th are read and approved.
A letter from Sauers 1.'lholesale Co.asking for a refund on
a Motor Transportation License is referred to the City Attorney.
IVJ..r.George Renz appears before the Council to discuss removal
of a pole located on the south side of^6th street near the inter-
section of Monterey and Sixth Streets.
Motion by Counc iIman Rush, seconded by Counc iIman hlason and
carried that the clerk communicate with the Pacific Telephone
and 'l'elepgraph'i-.Jo. and the Coast Counties Gas & Electric Co.
directing these companies to remove the pole located on the South
side of^Sixth street near the intersection of Sixth and Lonterey
Stree ts.
Mr.Sidney Johnson appears before the Council to ask that:'the
Council be lenient in regard to changing the location of oil
storage tanks already installed in the Fire District.
hlotion by Counc ilman Eilias ,seconded by ':~ouncilman :lush and
carried that the City Taxes,for 1931-1932 amounting to <;64.90,
on the ':ihitehurst & Hodges property,now ovmed by the:::ity of
Gilroy,and loaated ITest side of Cijurch street between 6th and
7th E3tree~ being Lot 1, Block 1 South ,Hange 3 ',Jest, be cancelle'tl.
I:otion by Councilman Eeiner, seconded by Counc ilman ,Jilkinson
and carried. that the I.Iayor be ill thorized to sign a petition to
the Board of ~3upervisors requesting caillcellat ion of ~ounty'ta:xes
for 1936...37' On LQt,l,Block.:L $outh" 'Range,:O ilest.
Vlotion by Councilmatl Feiner ,seconded byCounc ilman \Iilkinson and
carried that Haymond Shields be appointed Fire tIarshal.
Motion by Councilman "ilkinson,seconded by.:';ounc ilman r.lilias and
carried that the salary of Chas.Shields be increased to ;~135.00
per month. and the salary of ~lmer Hoover be increased to $m05.00
per month,both increases effective June 1,1937.
Mr.Gibson of the ,i...J.Raisch Co.sppears before the:~ouncil to
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to discuss payrwnt for the work done by his conpany in resuJ'i'acing
Old Gilroy Street. ~io action is taken.
notion by Gounc ilman Hash, seconded by Gounc ilman Ee iner and
carried that bills,as pl~sented,be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasury.
"~dj curned subject to the call
of the chair.