Minutes 1937/09/20 4()7 Gilroy, California. September 20,1937. A special meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present Councilman George Milias,Jr.,J.H.Rush,Nat Heiner,George Mason. Absent Councilman H.L.Wilkinson. The proposed Zoning and Districting Ordinance is read. Motion by Councilman Heiner seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that the hearing on the proposed Zoning andD~stricting ordinance be concluded. Motion by Councilman Milias seconded by Councilman Rush that Ordinance No. 422 be adopted: AN ORDINM~CE OF THE CITY OF GILROY,PROVIDING FOR THE ESTAB- LISHMENT WITHIN SAID CITY CERTAlli DISTRICTS riITHIN ';';HICH THE CLASSES OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES AND THE USES THEREOF ARE LIMITED AND IN ':.JIICB CERTAll-r YARDS .AND OTHER OPEN SPACES ARE REQ,umED AIm CERTATIr OTHER REGULATIONS ARE .APPLIED jDEFINING THE TERMS USED HEREINjPROVIDING FOR TFill GRANTING OF ADJUST"!!, MENTSIIN THE APPLICATION OF MIT OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOFj PRESCRIBING THE PROClillUHKEFOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND AM1ThitD~ MENT HEREOFjAND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR ANY VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF. Passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilman George Milias,Jr.,J.H.Rush,Nat Heiner,George Mason. NOES: Councilman None. ~ ABSENT: Councilman H.L.Wilkinson. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the final payment of $200. to Mr.Hugh R.Pomeroy, City Planning Commission Advisor, be made as per agreement. 1illtion by Councilmap Rush,seconded by Councilman Milias and carried that the services of the City Poundmaster be dispensed with commencing October 1,1937. Mot ion by Counc ilman Milias, seconded by Counc ilman r,:ason and ~arried that the salary of Irving Otto be increased to ~119. per month effeotive September 1,1937. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.Ov.~ City Clerk