Minutes 1937/12/27 fi ~ Gilroy, California. December 27,1937. A regular adjourned meeting of the Com:10n Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present: Councilmen George Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,George Mason,George Mart~,Nat Heiner. Absent:Councilman J.H.Rush. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Hogers that RESOLUTION NO. Sg be adopted: RESOLUTION NO.S9 R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APpROVING FIRST SUPP- qA .t.J Lf-:- ~\~; :,-'" .~-. ,.1 LEMENTAL I\EI':1ORA.1.\iDUM OF AGREEMENT [..j () ~\ C\; /'f "1 ~~. 'NHEREAS,the state of Californ1a,through its Department of Public Works ,Division 0 f Highways ,has presented a first supp- lemental memorandum agreement in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City for expenditure of the 1/4 cent gas tax for the fiscal year 1938 allocated for Streets of Major Importance other than State Highways in the City of Gilroy,and FOR E:>J?.E_'DITURE OF 1/4 CENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED FOR STREETS OF 1~JOR I1~ORTANCE WBEREAS,the City Council has heard read sai<< first supp- lemental agreement in ~ll and is familiar with the contents thereof,and desires to approve the same; THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gilroy that said first supplemental agreement for expenditure of 1/4 cent gas tax allocated for Streets of Major Importance other than State Highways be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. PASSED A1~ ADOPTED this 27th day of December,1937,by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen George Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,George Mason, George Martin,Nat Heiner NOES: Councilmen None ABS~~: Councilman J.H.Rush. Approved: 'l6;( ~<~4-jJ' c!0-.fJ' L :Mayor 4' ." " Attest: . GQ.~ City Clerk Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Martin that RESOLUTION NO.90 be adopted: RESOLUTION NO.90 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AP?ROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF 1/4 CENT GAS TAX ALLO CATED FOR STATE HIGHWAYS. ~nEREAS,the State of California, through its Department of Public Works,Division of Highways,has presented a memorandum of agreement in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City for expenditure of the 1/4 cent gas tax for the 1931-39 biennium allocated for State Highways in the City of Gilroy,and ViliEREAS,the City Oouncil has heard read said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Gilroy that said agreement for expenditure of the 1/4 cent gas tax allocated for State highways be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of December,1931,by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen George Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,George Mason, 42;'~ George Martin,Nat Heiner. NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilman J.H.Rush. App roved: / //~if; ,jff6 R tit Mayor Attest: G.~.~ City Clerk I,:otion by Councilman Heiner, seconded by Counc ilman l.Jilias and carried that the application of Guido Corsi dba Lucca's Cafe,77 South Monterey Street,to the state Board of Equalization for on sale distilled spirits and an on sale beer and wine licenses, be granted. By unanimous consent the application of Frank Alessio dba Mexico Cafe,99 South Monterey street,to the State Board o~ Equal- ization for a wine bottling license and an on sale beer and wine .. "?:;. license be referred to the Mayor for investigation. City Engineer H.N.Bishop reports prbgress in his work to secure surveys and cross sections for the proposed levee work on the Uvas Creek. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.Q,~~, Ci ty Clerk . t.,,--