Minutes 1938/04/20
Gilroy, California.
April 20,1938.
The regular adjourned meet lng of the COIIL1lOn Council v,1s called to
to order by His ~onor Mayor S.D.Heck.
Present Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,.Jack Rogers,J.H.Rush,George
A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent:Counoilmen: None.
This being the date set for the public hearing of any protests on
the changing of the following described area from Zone A to Zone B:
Beginning at the interesction of the alley between Rosanna and Hannah
streets with the northerly side of Second street,thenoe northerly to
the southerly boundary of "Bit district,southerly of First Street,thence
foilowing said "B" district westerly to the oenter of the blook between
Rosanna and Hanna Streets,thenoe southerly to the northerly side of
Second street,thenoe following the northerly side of Second street to
the place of beginning.
No protests are made at this time and the City Attorney 1s instructed
to dra.'ir: anc Oridnanee',. to ~;dtec tj~uch change.
The Water Committee is instructed to secure prices from the following
for a pump of 1000 or 1200 gallons per minute capacity; Peerless Pump Co.,
Byron .Jackson Co.,Layne & Bowler Corp.,Pomona Pump Co. and Sterling Pump
Motion by Counoilmaa Milias,seconded by Counoilman Rogers and carried
that the Ordinance Committee amend the outdoor advertising sign ordinance
with reference to size of signs,distanHe of set-back from street and
construction of same.
By unanimous oonsent permits are granted to Foster & Kleiser Co. to
erect two signs,one on the property of the Catholic Church,North Monterey
street, and one on the pr.operty of Helen Sprague ,west sidecof Monterey
Street 80 ft. south of Fifth Street,said signs to bel~De~ted and ehanges
made to oonform with the present ordinance and its amendments.
Mr.lrvin Shimmin appears before the Council to discuss the establishing
of a Community Recreational Commission.
Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried
that the Mayor appoint a Community Recreational Commission.
Adjourned subject to
the call of the chair.
City Cl.erk