Minutes 1938/06/01 440 t:.u Gilroy, California. .June 1,1938. F<'.-""IlII ......... CO t'rj Q The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Councilmen George C.Milias,.Jr.,.Jack Rogers,.J.H.Rush,George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Ordinance No.425 is presented and read: !I"'~ Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Rogers that Ordinance No.425 be adopted: . ......", AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.422 OF THE CITY OF GILROY, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN DISTRICTS WITHIN WHICH CLASSES OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ARE PERMITTED,Al'ID WHICH ORDINA:tiCE IS GENERALLY KNOWN ~S AND CALLED "ZONING ORDINANCE". Passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES:Councilmen jack Rogers,George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. NOES:Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilmen George Milias,.Jr.,.J.H.Rush. Ordinance No.426 is presented and read: Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Martin that Ordinance No.426 be adopted: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 32 OF ARTICLE V OF ORD INANCE NUMBER 355,AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 1m/mER 357,AND AS AMENDED BY ORD INAIDE NO.424,RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC,THE USE AND CARE OF VEHICLES AND PRESCRIBING A PARKING TIME LIMIT FOR VEHICLES UPON CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF GILROY AND REPEALING ALL' ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PRO~ VIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF. t---'~ ..- Passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES:Councilmen .Jack Rogers,Gearge A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. NOES:Councilmen None ABSENT:Councilmen George Milias,jr.,.J.H.Rush. RESOLUTION NO.96 is presented and read: Motion b~ Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Rogers that Resolution No. 96 be adopted: "" .,...; - [ - [ ~ .... 441 Il E SOL UTI 0 N N O. 96 --- BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Connnon Council of the City of Gilroy: that the intersection of Fifth Street and Eigleberry Street, Fifth Street and Church Street, Fifth Street and Rosanna Street, Fifth street and Hanna Street, Fifth Street ,", and Dowdy Street, Fifth Street and Carmel Street, and Fifth Street and Princevalle Street, within said City, is hereby designated as a public highway; that vehicles shall be stopped before entering Fifth Street at both entrances thereto from said Eigleberry Street, Church Street, Rosanna Street, Hanna Stree~Dowdy Street, Carmel Street and Princevalle Street; that such entrances to Fifth Street from Eigleberry Street, Church Street, Rosanna street, Hanna Street, Dowdy Street, Carmel Street and Princevalle Street, shall be clearly marked and/or signposted to give notice of such fact, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 466, 468 and 471 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 1st by the following vote: June, day of~, A. D., 1938, AYES: Councilmen-- .Jaok Rogers,George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. NOES: Councilmen-- None ABSENT: Councilmen-- George Milias,.Jr.,J.H.Rush. ---.~:JoL~ ayor ATTEST: G.Q,'~~1tY Clerk Mr.Cecil Carlyle r~presentitig the community Recreation Commission appears before the Council to discuss the recreation program and to- to solicit a donation from the city for said program. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried that the City donate the sum of $320.and provide the necessary public liability insurance for the Community ~Recreation program. ,442 :'.G ........'~.,. ."~>'-i Mr..John stelling appears before the Council to discuss the 'pro- posed acquisition by the City of a portion of his property for the tx:J rTJ ' C~ proposed levee on Uvas Creek. Mr.stelling agrees to accept a statement,signed by the proper City officials,to the effect that the City will pay N~.~telling $800.00, the price he asks for the land (being one acre more or less),after receipt of the first installment of 1938-39 taxes by the Gity,or approximately December,1938,this agreement to be contingent upon the levee work being done as proposed. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.Cv.~ City Clerk .