Minutes 1938/07/18 447 Gilroy, California. July 18,1938. The meeting o-r the Board of Equalization of taxes 1s,called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. present:Counoilmen Jack Rogers,George A.Martin,George M.Mason, Nat Heiner. Absent: Councilmen George C.Milias,Jr.,.James Battersby. No complaints on assessments are made at this meeting of the board. This meet ing 0 f the Board of Equalization is declared adjourned. (].u..0~ Ci ty Clerk. Gilroy, California. .July 18,1938. The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Councilmen George C.Milias,.Jr.,.Jack Rogers,George A. Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent:Councilman James Battersby. Mr.Robt.Fowler appears before the Council to request permission to erect a fruit stand on his property located on the East side of Monterey street between Lewis street and Martin Lane. Mr.Fow1er is requested to submit detailed plans. The Building Permit of George A.Doan,NS NO.20,is presented,with changes. There being no objeotions the Chairman of the Fire Dep~rt- ment Committee signs the permit. The plans and co$t ot a MuniCipal Auditorium-Armory are discussed. It is decided that a oommittee consisting of the Mayor and members of t he Council will consult further with Mr. Curtis of Binder and Curtis,architects. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G-G.-.~ City C erk. .