Minutes 1938/08/01 448 .. Gilroy, California. August l,1938. The regular monthly meet ing 01' the Common Counc il is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Councilmen George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby,George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent: Councilmen None. Minutes 01' the meetings 01' .July 5th,July 14th,July 18thwJdly 21st read and .July 25th are/and with ommission noted approved as read. A letter trom Layne & Bowler Corporation is read stating that they would not assume the payment for ~' Burge chamber installed at the pump,corner of Martin Lane and Monterey street. The reply to the letter is referred to the City Attorney tor action. The report of the auditors,Logan & Frazer,for the fiscal year 1937-38 is read. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Heiner and oarried that the auditors report be aocepted and placed on f11e. counoilman Mi1ias leads the discussion on the proposed work on the Uvas levee. 1~.John Roffinella appears before the Council to discuss oonneoting his home on North Chestnut street with the City sewer. This matter is referred to Councilman Rogers amd the Sewer Commitsee for action. Reports of the City offioers are read. ~otion by Counoilman Rogers,seoonded by Counoilman Battersby and carried that the report. be aooepted and placed on file. ,The C1e~k is. instructed to.rea.4.b.e. appl1oat1ons:for,1;he P~s11;10n of City Tratflo0ff"cer. Four1;een I:ipp11eati.ons are.ead. ~ Motion"by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried ,that the seleotion' of'a. C1tyTr8iftfoOft1cer be "made b1l" secret ballot. Councilman Rogers request to be excused from voting is granted 449 by His Honor the Mayor. Five ballots are passed out by the Clerk and five ballots are returned to the Clerk. Result of the vote: Nor.man Goodrioh-5 votes. Motion by Councilman Heiner,seoonded by Counoilman Martin and oarried that Norman Goodrioh be appointed City Traffio Offioer for the balanoe of the two year period. Mr.Goodrioh is oalled before the Counoil by His Honor the Mayor. Mr.Goodrioh agrees to attend the Traffic Officers School at San .Jose State College and at the end of the training period,September 1,1938,to appear before the Police Committee of the Common Counoil. Motion by Counoilman Milias,seoonded by Counoilman Heiner and carried that a resolution be drafted oommending Victor Connett, Special City Traffic Officer,for his work as traffic offioer , giving the reason for replacing him. The matter of oare and regulating the tower olock is disoussed and it is agreed that effort should be made to seoure the servioes of a watohmaker ~or the work. The City Marshal is instructed to order twenty Special Police badges. Councilman Heiner reports that Mr.Walter Rupar,173 North Monterey street,had agreed to tear down a oorrugated iron building recently erected and replace same with a fire-proof struoture. Motion by Councilman Mi1ias,seconded by Co~noilman Martin and carried that the bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned to Thursday,August .4, 1938, 8 P.M. ~~ City Clerk. t