Minutes 1938/11/21
Gilroy, Cali fornia.
November 21,1938.
This regular adjourn~d meeting of the Common Council is called
to order by TIis Honor Mayor S.D.Heck.
Present:Councilmen George C.Milias,.Jr.,Jack Rogers ,George A.
Martin,George M.rilIason,Nat He iner. Absent: Councilman .James Battersby.
.Jack Ramazane,Chief of the Fire Department appears before the
Council and presents a list of equipment that the department
recommends for immediate purchase.No action is tal\:en.
'jounc iLllan Hogers reports on a conference with Mr. E. 11. Rea
relative to improvements to the Sewer Farm di tch. Gi ty =~ngineer
E. :N. Bishop is instructed to make a tour of the proposed route of
the ditch through property adjoining the Sewer Farm for the purpose
of making an estimate of cost for the "york.
City Attorney .James S.Byers explains the various types of gareage
ordinances and after discussion the Mayor appoints Councilmen l,iilias,
Heiner and L~rtin to meet with the Cjty Attorney to study model
The Clerk is instructed to advertise for bids for a truck for
the street Department the following specifications to be included:
l~ ton,2~ yard bpdy-6' x 8' Garwood body and hoist,dual wheels,
6ft rims,2 speed axle,7-l0 ply standard make tires,Budd wheels;
'Ui ty to trade in one l.1odel T-1923 Ford dump truck.
Councilman Rogers discusses the purchase of an automobile for
the Police Dep artment. No action is take n.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
City Clerk.