Minutes 1939/01/03 46~ Gilroy,Ca11forn1a. January 3,1939. The regular monthly meeting ot the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Couno1lmen Gearge C.M1l1as,Jr.,Jaok Rogers,James Battersby, George A.Mart1n,George M.Mason. , Absent:Co~ncilman Nat Heiner. Minutes ot the meet1ngs ot December 5th,Decenber 8th and December 12th,lg38 are read and approved. Ordinance No.428 1s presented and read. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING OFFAL,REFUSE,GARBAGE AND DEBRIS,AND PROVIDING I FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE SAME;RESERVING THE RIGHT UNTO THE CITY OF GILROY FOR THE REGULATION,COLLECTION,TRANSPORTATION,AND 4GB DISPOSAL THEREOF,AND FIXING THE MAXIJ~ PRICES TO BE CHARGED;PRO~ HIBITING THE COLLECTION,TRANSPORTATION,OR DISPOSAL OF OFFAL,REFUSE GARBAGE AND DEBRIS IN ANY OTHER MANNER THAN AS HEREIN PROVIDED; AND PROVIDING FOR 'IRE INSPECTION OF PREMISES;PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREOF;AND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Ordinance No.428 is referred to the Ordinance Committee. .....~ Application for an On Sale Beer license for il.C.Hazelwood is presented. No objection is made. Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried unanimously that Leon Thomas be appointed Police Judge for the City ...... ,..'-,. of Gilroy for the ensuing year. This being the time specified for pres~tation of bids to furnish the City with gasoline for the year,January 14,l~3~ to January l3, l~40,seven bids are presented and read. All bids being alike-13i~ per gallon-the Clerk is instructed to write the name of each bidding company on a slip of paper ,place the slips in a container. aThe'c::sl1ips v are then drawnJone at a time~with the following result: No.l,Union v ~ Oil Company of California;No.2,Richfield Oil Corporat1on;No.3,Stan- dard Oil Company of california;No.4,Gene~~l Petroleum Corporation. v v of California;No.5,Seaside Oil Company;No.6,Associated Oil Company; . ;3 ~.!)_ 3j;: 13'1 No.7,Shell Oil Company. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman 1~rtin and v . . v, ',' \. ........ carried unanimously that each company deliver 650 gallons of gasoline in the order in which their name was drawn. A co~~mnicat1on is read from John il.Stelling and Bertha A.Stelling protesting against the llyp.e of:mettli!illl mate~ials ani the manner of construction of a portion of the levee on Carnadero Creek. The Mayor announces that a committee of the Council will visit the levee site to inspect the work. A cow~unication is read from the ?acifie Telephone and Telegraph Company relative to the removal of their poles fram North Monterey Street. ...... A resolution from the California Federated Institute, Inc. rel"ati ve to the regulation of the number of beverage licenses to be issued is read. .... Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried unanimously that the suggested resolution ef the California Federated Institute,Inc.pe tabled. The Health Officers report is read. Reports of the City officers are read. 470 w Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Counoilman Battersby and carried unanimously that the reports of the City Officers be accepted as read and placed on file. - ....... t:O ~ Q Mr.Sydney S.Johnson appears before the Council to call attention to the da~ge that might be done to the Funkler property on the south- west bank of the Carnadero Creek as the result of the new construction on the levee. The Mayor announces that a cO~littee of the Council will visit the site with Mr.Funkler. ..... ..... Councilm8.ll Milias reports on the progress of the levee project. is read A petition containing approximately nine hundred names/requesting that the present holders of the garbage contract continue as in the the past few years. A communication is read from Councilman Nat Heiner stating that he was still of the opinion that Mr.Pm1re and 1~.Piedmont should again be awaTded the garbage disposal contract. Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Councilman L~son that the motion to adopt the report of the garbage ordinance comnittee relative to that the contract for the disposal of garbage be let to competitive bidding for a period of five yearsLbe~rescinded. This motion is lost. 111111111 Motion by Councilman Battersby,seconded by Councilman Milias that Ordinance No.428 be adopted. ..... AYES: Councilmen: George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby, George A.~~rtin,George M.Mason. NOES: Cou~ci1men: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Nat Heiner. RESOLUTION NO. l03 is presented and nead. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Counoilman W~rtin that RESOLUTION NO.103 be adopted with the proviso that each bid be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $lOO.OO,that the first publication of notice calling for bids for disposal of garbage be made January 4,l~39 and bids opened February 6,l~3~ at 8 P.M. ~ .....l .r L f" f, ~ 411 RESOLUTION N 0 -1.Q3.._ BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy: That P. A. COX, City Clerk of said City advertise for bids for the privilege or franchise of collecting and disposal of garbage and refuse within said City; That the form and manner of inviting bids be pursuant to the form of notice hereto attached and made a part hereof. ADOPTED AND PASSED this ...3r.d. day of .TBnuA'r)" , 1939. AYES: Councilmen: George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers, James Battersby,Ge orge A.Martin, George M.Mason. NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Nat Heiner. Approved: =--__<$ jJ~ Major Attest: G.~"~~ City lerk Motion By Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried unanimously that the bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Rogers Councilman/discusses the purchase of an automobile for the Polioe DeJ,ll rtment. Adjourned subjeot to the call of the chair. G. CA... ~ <>)(' City Clerk. .'