Minutes 1939/04/03 I 482 Gilroy,California. April 3,1939. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D. Heck. Present:Councilmen: George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby, George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent:Councilman George A.Martin. Minutes of the meetings of March 5th and March l7th,l939 are read and approved. This being the t irrle set for opening bids for 1 Buick 2 door sedan for use of the Police Department,one bid is presented and read. . Mot ion by Counc:J1.lman Rogers, seconded by Counc ilman Heiner and c " , carried unanimously that the bid of G.N.Broderson for 1 Buick two- door sedan with special police equipment,totalling $l5l3.73,be accepted. The matter of placing an electrolier near the corner of Martin Lane and Monterey street is referred to the Chairman of the Light- ing Committee,it being agreed that the electrolier should be placed six feet inside the curb line. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Rogers and c that carried unanimously/the sum of $l087.69 be transferred from the General Fund to the 1905 Bond Fund and that $l24.64 be transferred from the General Fund to the 1931 Bond Fund. The City Attorney reports on his investigation of the franchise of the Gilroy Telephone Company with reference to free telephone tolls fCJ[' the city. The matter of repairs to the roof of the Fire House and renovating . the interior is referred to the Fire Department and the Way and Means Committees. The Superintendent of the Water Department reports on the condition of the pipe from the dam to the reservoir along the ~atsonville road ne~ar AdffiilS School. The Mayor states that l~s.Shay had expressed a willingness to grant a free right-of-way for the pipe line through [ [ ~ .... 483 her property. It is agreed that the 420 feet of l2 inch,14 gauge pipe should be advertised for. The matter of cost and type of bid is referred to the Water Committee for investigation. The matter of painting the City Hall is discussed and the cost of the work is to ascertained. The matter of the Henry Miller Hospital si te for a recreation center is discussed and the cost of piping water to the location is referred to the Superintendent of the Water Department for investigation and report. lITs.C.Fortino representing a group of property owners residing on l\orth Chestnut Street appears before the Council to request that certain repairs be made to the street. The Eayor the City Engineer and the chairman of Street ConTInittee will investigate the request. A report from the City Planning Commission relative to a request from the Gilroy Co~~ercial Company to have their property removed from the Fire District,is read. l\Jotion by Councilman Milias ,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried unanimously that the report of the City Planning Commission ~th reference to the request of the Gilroy Coramercial Company,be accepted. A receipt from the Gilroy American Legion Post for nite baseball park equipment purchased by the Recreation Commission for the City, is presented and read. Ordinance No.430 is presented and read. l\lotion by Councilman Battersby, seconded by Counc ilman L:ason that ORDINANCE NO.430 be adopted: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND S~~CTION S:;:;VEN (?) OF ORDINANCE NO. 428, RELATING TO OJTFAL,REFUJE,GARBAGE .AND DEBRIS DISPOSAL. AYES: Councilmen: George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby, George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. NOES: Coumcilmen: None. ABSEIIT: Councilman: George A.Martin. RESOLUTION NO.I08 is presented and read. IJot ion by Counc ilman Rogers, seconded by Counc ilman He iner that RESOLUTION NO. l08 be adopted: 484 RES 0 L U T .1 0 N N O. l08 BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Counc il of the City of Gilroy: That P.A.Cox,City Clerk of said City advertise for bids for the privilege or franchise of oQl~ecting and disposal of garbage and refuse within said City; That the form and manner of inviting bids be pursuant to the form of notice hereto attached and made a part hereof. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of April , 193:j. AYES: Councilmen: George C.Milias,Jr.,Jaak Rogers,James Battersby,George M.Mason,Nat'2'fJeiner. NOES: Counc ilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: George A.Martin. Approved: c:.v - """'" t'O - J ~J:-)j.lt-(rL J Mayor Attest: G .~.~Ci)(, i City Clerk l ....... 485 Hor.rrCE nT"VI'rrNG BIDS FOR GAHfu'\.GE AND REPUSE DISPOSAL Notice is hereby ~iven tlillt the City of Gilroy invites bids for the franchise or privilege of the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse within said city for the term of five (5) years. Sealed bids will be received by P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy at his office in the City Hall, Gilroy, California until 5:00 o'e-lock P.~iL. of Monday , the ~ day of April , HJ3S. All bids must be in writing. Bids 'nIl be opened in open sessiqn of the Common Council at 8:00 a' clock P.M. on the eventing of April l7th , 1939. Such bid shall be under and pursuant to the terms and con- ditions of Ordinance No. 428 as amended by Ordinance No. 429 and Ordinance 1;0.430 of said City of Gilroy, regulating the coll- ection and disposal of garbage within said City. Such bidder shall obtain from the City Clerk, a uniform form upon which any and all bids shall be made pursuant to the terms of this notice. Each bidder shall submit his offer in good faith and shall agree that in the event he is the successful bidder, ths.t he will at all times during the term of his contract, ovm, conCJuct and control such garbatse disposal business. vath each bid must be submitted a certified check or cashier's check in the SUr:1 of One Hundred and nO/lOa ($100.00) Dollars pay- able to the order of the Treasurer of the City of Gilroy as guarantee that the bidder will enter into an agreement with said City pur- suant to the terms of his proposal in the event his bid is accepted. '1'he Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. r"-' I By order of the Conooon Council of the City of Gilroy. Dated: April 3rd, 1939. Cit~Cl~~ (Publish April 5th & April llth,l93~) Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried unanimously that the re ports of the City officers be accepted as read and placed on file. The matter of the City Engineer'S claim for services at the aarnadero Levee is discussed. No action is taken pending investi- investigation. Mot ion by Counc tlman Heiner, sec onded by Counc ilman LIilias and .' carried unanimously ~hat bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.c~ .Om{ , City Clerk.