Minutes 1939/07/06 494 ,.\ .,,;' " "~u\j" /\~' Gilroy, California. JUly 6,l939. This regular monthly meeting ot the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,George A.Martin, George M.Mason. Absent:Councilmen:James Battersby,Nat Heiner. Minutes of June 5th,26th and July 3rd,4th and 5th,l939,are read and approved. Two appli cations for building permits to erect advert ising sign boards, ~ by Foster & Kleiser,are referred tbethe Chairman or the Fire Dep- artment committee for investigation. Motion by Councilman Ma~tin,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried unanimously that the Clerk advertise the meetings at the Board of Equalization aIJl-"ti1e meetings be held July l8th,2lst and 25th,l939. Rev.Arthur Hyland appears before the Council in response to a request by the Council,to explain the reason for the noise emanating from the church at the corner of 5th and Hanna Streets, The Rev.Hyland promises cooperation and agrees to have church dismissed by 10 p.m. each evening , n. '''' 4bn services are held. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Martin and carried unanimously that the sum of $2000.00 be transferred flam the Water Fund to t he General Fund. It is unanimously agreed that each of the followiIl! nan ed companies furnish the city with 200 gallons of gasoline: l. Shell Oil Company, 2. Associated Oil Co.,3. Seaside Oil Co.,4.RichfieJd Oil Corporation, 5.Standard Oil Company,o~Union Oil Company,7.General Petroleum 6orp- oration. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried uaanimously that TrafficcOfficer Norman Goodrich be allowed the sum of $10.00 per lOOnth increase :fDr:.'use of equipment sam to take effect as of May l,l~39. The matter of the road at Owsley Park is discussed. It is unan- imously agreed that this matter be referred to the Street Committee. The matteroof tree stumps at the intersection of Carmel Street and Bodfish Mill Road and the alley between Carmel Street and Princevalle Street on Bodfish Mill Road is discussed. The Mayor announces he will discuss the matter with ~tr.Harry Scholten. Mr.Frank Mattis,engineer with the Division o~ Highways,ap~ars before the Council to discuss the budgeting of the city's share of of ~ cent gasoline tax money for the next biennium. This matter is referred to the Street Committee for action. Repo rts of city officers are read. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Counctlman Rogers and carried unanimously that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file. The chairman of the Water Committee is instructed to raqueat Gordon E.Chappell to proceed with the work of replacing a part of the pipe line from the dam to the reservoir. The City Engineer reports on a conservation with Mr.Ed.Rea rel- to a ditch on the Sewer Farm property. No action is taken. The chairman of the W!ter Committee presents three offers to furnish the city wi th 300 feet of 4 inch cast iron pipe for ex:te""-s\o't'\ of water service on Carmel street: United States Pipe and Foundry Company-50~ per foot;American Cast Iron Pipe Company-5l~ per foot; Pacific states Cast Iron Pipe Company-5l~ per foot;all quotations not ,inc Iud ing State Sale s Tax. 496 w - -, Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried unanimously that bills as presented be allowed and warrants co rr.:l Cd ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.Q,~ Ci ty Clerk. .