Minutes 1939/12/04 I 1I1I1 .. 512 Gilroy, California. December 4,l~3~. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Beck. Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr. ,Jack Rogers,James Battersby, George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Hetner. Absent: Councilmen: None. Minutes of the meetings of November 5th and l7th,1939 are read and approved. This being the time specified for opening bids for fleet insurance and a non-ownership policy of insurance,five bids are presented and read: Chesbro andEustice-~?33S. 05;A. W.Brown-$449 .l5; G. B.Rodeck-$352. 53; August Piedmont-~452.S0;George H.Smith-$49S.24. A.W.Brown requests the Clerk to note in the minutes of this meeting his objection to the bid of Chesbro and Eustice being accepted as p:' esented. Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Milias and carried that Chesbro and Eustice be awarded the fleet insurance and non-owner- ship policy on their bid of $33S.05,their bid being the lowest and best bid. A c8mmunication is read from the Division of Highways relative to a request lily. the'Ccmnnon Council for information relative to the placing of a directional sign at the southeast corner of Monterey and Martin Streets. CounCilman Milias discusses the use of creek run gravel instead of washed gravel for the valley at Fifth and Monterey Streets. The City Engineer is instructed to call the Division of Highways office in regard to the matter. Councilman Milias reports that he and the Mayor made an inspection of fire apparatus in Watsonville and discussed the various types of fire trucks with the Chief of the Watsonville Fire Department. Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried that the Clerk be instructed to advertise far bids for painting the ..j City Hall building in accordance with the specifications prepa~ed by Binder & curtis,architects,bids to be opened December lS,l939. The First Supplemental Memorandum of Agreement for Expenditure of l/4 Cent Gas Tax on State Highways is presented and read. RESOLUTION NO.ll3 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman N~rtin that RESOLUTUON NO.l13 be adopted: -1 10) ~-,,-d RESOLUTION NO.ll3 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING FIRST SUPP+EMENTAL 1~10RDNDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF 1/4 CENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED ]'OR STATE HIGHWAYS. ~ \V,HEREAS,the State of Cal1fornia,through its DeIRrtment of Public Works,Division of Highways, has presented a first supplemental memorandum of agreement in accordance with a project statement submitted by the City for expenditure of the l/4 cent gas tax for the 1937-39 bierulium allocated for State highways in the City of Gilroy; and ~RKREAS,The city oouncil has heard read said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; i,~,,~' THEREFORE,be it resolved by the city council of the City of Gilroy that said agreement for expenditure of the l/4 cent gas tax allocated for State highways be and the same is hereby approved and the ~ayor and City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 4th day of December,l939, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby,George A.Martin,Geor~ M. Mason,Nat Heiner. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilman: None. Approved: -~ ~rf6e~ L. Attest: cJ .r\. , ~~~ City Cler . Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Rogers and!: oarried that Mary Grece;> be given a 'tax re.fund of $10.00 due to an 'error in the 1939-4f> assessment roll. 514 The Clerk is instructed to send a letter to each one of the local oil companies asking them to submit bids for the gasoline requirements of the city for the period,January l4,l~40 to Jan- uary 14,l94l,the local companies being designated as:Shell Oil Company,Standard Oil Company of California,Union Oil Company of California,Tidewater Associated Oil Company,General Petroleum Corporation of California,Richfield Oil Company and Seaside Oil Company; Bids to be opened January 2,1940. The matter of trimming trees located on the east side of Rosanna street between Fifth & Sixth streets,said trees being in front of PDPperty owned by R.M.Thomas and ~m.Hall,is discussed and it is agreed that the City will hire the men to do the work, the owners to pay for the labor and ext ra compensation insurance thro ugh' the City. Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried that Mike Martin be placed on a salary of $100.00 per month, effective November 1,l~3~. The matter of placing the Cityts Christmas tree at a location other"than at the intersection of Sixth & Monterey Streets ~is discussed and the unanimous opinion is that the tree should be placed in tbe same location as in former years,Sixth and ~IDnterey streets in front of the City Hall building. ReportsofCdrty :_of,ficersar~ presented and read. ' n Motion by CounCilman He iner ,seconded by Councilman Battersby and carried that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file. Councilman Rogers discusses the placing a a light at the corner of Miller Avenue and Bodfish Mill Road. HOFObj~ct ion being made the Mayor instructs Councilman Rogers to notifY the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company to proceed with the placing of the light. Motion by Councilman Battersby,seconded by Counc i].~an Martin"tp.at I (bills as presented be allowed and warrants order drawn on the Adjourned subject to tbe call of the chair. I , I .-J Treasurer. C1 0.., ~~ City Sler