Minutes 1940/01/02
January 2,1940.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order b~ His Honor Mayor S.D. Heck.
Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby,
George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent:Councilmen: None.
Minutes of the meetings of December 4th,11th,18th and 26th,1939,are
read and approved.
In respect to the memory of the late Victor Oddie,deputy city clerk,
deputy tax collector and water collector,the Mayor requests the Council-
men and those present to stand for two minutes in silence.
This being the time specified in notices mailed to the several oil
oompanies requesting them to present bids for the citys gasoline re-
quirements for the twelve months period January 14,1940 to January 14,
1941,seven bids are presented and read.
The following companies bid 12t~ per gallon on the grade of gasoline
used by the city: Richfield Oil Corporation,Seaside Oil Company,Tide
Water Associated Oil Company,shell Oil Co.,Inc.,Union Oil Company of
Cali fornia.
The following companies bid l3!~ per gallon on the grade of lasoline
used by the city: Standard Oil Company 0 f Cali fornia and Ge neral
Petroleum Corporation or California.
Motion by Councilman Milias ,seconded by Counc ilman Battersby and
carried that the citys gasoline business for the twelve month period,
January 14,1940 ~o January 14,1941 be divided equally with the Shell
Oil Company,Inc.,Tide Water Associated Oil Company,Union Oil Company
of California,Richfield Oil corporation ani Seaside Oil Company on the
basis of estimated use cf6rCthe ,ntire period of six:.:.thoilsaIid gaJ.16iis.,.
The Clerk now writes the names of the successful bidders on separate
slips and they are drawn in the following order: l-Richfield Oil Corp.,
2-Seaside Oil Company,3-Tide Water Associated Oil Company,4-Shell Oil
Company, Inc. ,5-Union Oil Company of California.
Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Heiner and
carried that the bid of M.L.Gruver for painting the City Hall build-
ing be rescinded on account of his failure to furnish the necessary
bond and the Clerk be instructed to readvertise for bids for painting
tre City Hall building,each bid to be accompanied by a certified or
cashier's check or a bid bond, for 10% of the amount bid ani the call
far bids specifify that the successful bidder must commence the work
not later than 15 days from the date of theaward,and complete the
vhole job within ?5 days after the date of the award/of the contract.
Councilman Milias discusses the paving of the alley approaoh on the
south side of Fourth Street between Carmel and Princevalle streets.
There being no objection the Mayor instructs Councilman Milias to
have this work done.
This being the time specified for mpening bids for a new ?50 G.P.M.
Automotive Pmnping Fire Engine,eleven bids are presented and read.
P.E.Van Pelt: (1)$905l.50;(2)$?956.50;(3)$8296.50;{4)$825l.50-(all
prioes plus sales tax,F.O.B. ,Gilroy) J.H.Rush-tl)$7704.40~lncludes
sales tax,) ;alternate-$9021.68 (includes sales tax); J.N.Hedberg-l
used Seagrave pumper-$2000.00;Pacific Truck Service,Ino.for Maok-
International Truok Corp.-$9ll5.50(includes sales tax);Amerioan-
La-Franoe-Foamite corporation-$9?75.2l,net oaSh 30 days including
sales tax; United Fire Engine corporation-$9500.00~net delivered in
Gilroy,plus sales tax; Ahrens-Fox-$?825.00 (includes 5% cash discount
30 days after delivery,which has been deduoted and 3% sales tax has
been added); ~2 )$9154. OO-net (discount of 5% cash wi thin 30 days has
been allowed and 3% sales tax has been added);The Seagrave 6orp-
oration-$9?68.76-net oaaB prioe,including sales tax; Peter Pirsoh
am Sons Co,-{l) $8888.00-plus 3% sales tax; (2)$9880.00-plus 3%
sales tax (prioes subject to 5% cash discount 10 days after delivery);
G.N.Broderson and F.A.B.Manufacturing Co.-G~M.C.-$83ll.40-sales tax
included;F.A.B.Manufacturing Co.-$9?16.?5-sales tax included;General
Fire Truok Corporation-$8400.00-special price-;~7g8C~'00 net price ,.~ax
must be added.
Representatives of bidders present are called before the Council
to answer questions put by the Mayor and members of the Council.
The Mayor announces that the bids will be taken under advisement.
The bond of Graydon B.Carr,water cOllector,deputy tax collector and
deputy city clerk,is presented.
Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Battersby and
carried that the bond of Graydon B.Carr be aocepted.
Councilman Mason discusses establishing a petty oash fund of $50.00
for the Water Department.
Motion by Councilman Battersby,seconded by Councilman Mason and
oarried that a p:3 tty cash fund of $50.00 be established far the
Water Department.
Counc ilman Mason dis cusses purchase of' pipe for drain line from
It is unanimously decided that the price of 60~ per ft. for 14"
ooncrete pipe submitted by the Concrete Pipe & Construction Co.,the'
for 310',
potal price/of $186.00 plus sales tax on pipe and materials only,
is satisfactory,it being understood that the city will do the trenoh-
ing and backfilling.
The answer to the city's protest to the Division of Water Resournes
with reference to the posted intention of the South Santa Clara Valley
Yiater Conservation District to take water from the Uvas Creek, is read.
Reports of the City officers are read.
Motion by Counoilman Rogers,seconded by Councilman Milias and carried
that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file.
Motion by Couno ilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Heiner and oarried
that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the
The Maypr appoints the City Attorney and City Clerk to draw a letter
of condolence to be addressed to Mrs.Florence Oddie,widow of the late
Victor Oddie,the letter to be spread upon the minutes.
The Mayor announces a special meeting will be held Friday evening,
January 5th,lg40,8 o'c~ock P.M.,in the Counoil Chambers.
Gi ty CIerI.