Minutes 1940/01/05 520 Gilroy, Cali fornia. January 5 J 1940. This special meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Bonor Mayor S.D.Beck. Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,~r.,~ack Rogers,~ames Battersby, George A.Martin,George IvI.Mason,Nat.Heiner. Absent:Councilmen: None. The Mayor announces that this meeting is an executive session. Comrnunicationsare read from the F'.A. B.Ill1a.nufactur ing Company and G.N.Broderson,and the General Fire Truck Corporation. Discussion of the several bids for 1-?50 G.P.M.Automotive Pumping Fire Engine is in 0 rder. Mr.E.J.Fabbri,manager of the Gilroy Branch of the Bank of America, is called before the Council to discuss methods of financing new purcba ses. Liotion by COUl1C ilman He iner, sec onded by C ounc ilman Martin and carried that the bid of the American-La France-Foamite Corporation for 1-750 G.P.M.Automotive Pumping Fire Engine,be accepted. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.u.~~ City Cler . '"