Minutes 1940/01/15 520 Gilroy,California. January 15,1940. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil is oalled to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,Jaok Rogers,George A.Martin, George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent: Counc ilmen: James Battersby. A petition,signed by nine property owners,requesting the opening of an alley from Third Street to Fourth Street, between Eigleberry and , Monterey streets,is presented and read. IvIr.H.S.Hersman,representing Margaret A.Steel,one of the prorerty owners signing the petition,appears before the Council to discuss the petition. RESOLUTION NO.114 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Ma'rtin, sec onded by Counci Iman Ivlilias that Resolution No.114 be adopted. ------..~ 521 RESOLUTION N 0 114 BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Ci ty of Gilroy: WHEREAS there has been filed with the City Clerk. of the City of Gilroy, a petition to cause an alley to be created and opened of standard width, to run north and south in B. 3, N. R. 1 W. and extending from Fourth Street on the south to Third Street on the North, and, r-. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council approve sai& P~tition . I and the creation of said alley, now, therefore, ~ ,..., U [ BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Gilroy take such steps and do and perform such things as may be legally~necessary to create said alley and to open up the same in the manner by law provided, and that the City Attorney of said City is hereby ordered and directed to do and perform such acts as may be necessary in the premises to accomplish the acts aforesaid. Passed, approved and adopted this ~ day of January, 1940 at a regular adjourned meetin~ of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. AYES: Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,Jaok Rogers,George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen:James Battersby Approved: ~ rifJJ!;~~ Mayor At~est: <3. ~ .~W City Clerk. Councilman Uilias discusses the matter of the shade trees in the parking areas being infected with mistletoe. This matter is ~eferred to the Forestry Board. This being the time specified calling for bids for painting the the City Hall Building,four bids are presented and read: Harry A.Neal-;,;935.00;Reese Painting Service-.,pl,500.00;James Bolton- ~~1,085.00;Jack & Fine-~pl,075.00. Motion by Counoilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that Harr:l A. Neal be awarded the paint ing'of, the City HalJ.- huilding.ori:t!;is bid of ;~935.00 and the Clerk be instructed to return tre bid bonds or certified checks to the unsuccessful bidders. Motion by Councilman Rogers,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that the Clerk return the bid bonds or certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders for Automotive Pumping Fire Engine. Mot ion by Counc ilman lJIilias, seconded by Counc ilrr18.n Rogers and carried that Leon Thomas be appointed 'olice Judge for the ensuing 522 year at a salary of ~75.00 per month. The Clerk is instructed to comnunicate with Mr.Chas.Forse,sales representative of the American-LaFrance-Foamite Corporation,to as- certain the cost of placing a 200 gallon water tank on the new f~re truck instead of a 150 gallon tank. Seven bids for a pump,to be installted on-the city reservoir property, are presented and read. G.A.Chappell & Sons,Inc.-~286.75 net,including allowance on old pump J and state E:iales Tax;C}ordon E.Chappell-:";269.00-'sales rl1ax included-old pump in tradejGilI'oy Eardv;,are Co.-:~280.00-including sales tax plus old pump;Ernest Camino-(1)~~3l2.50; (2Hp2l9.50-prices'quoted includes takirg in old pmnp;Builders ~3upply Co.-(1)~,;276.50 and the old pump an d motor; (2 );,;;307 .7 O-and th e old pump and motor; Ernest Pavese-$298.90 net,present pump to be taken in on trade;Lee L.Mathison-(1)$195.00, including sales tax and old pump; (2)41i282.90,including sales tax and old pun1p;(3)$205.25,including sales tax and old pump. All bids are referred to the chairman of the ~,ater Comrni teee for investigation,areport to be made at the next meeting of the Council. A comrnunication is read from the Southern Pacific Company asking that the new fire engine be routed from the East in such a manner o as to allow them the maximum haul. 'l'he Clerk is instructed to wri te to the American-LaFrance-E'oami te cOl~oration stating that it is the desire of the Council to have to engine routed over any of the several lines from Elmira,lJ.Y.to st. Louis,Mo. ,but from ,St. Louis,west, over the Cotton Belt Lines and the Southern Pacific. A corili.mnica ti on is read from Chairman Elmer J. Chesbro, Gilroy Oi t y Planning COlilllission stating that the terms of several members of the comLlission had expired and asked tilat they be reappointed ,also that Geo rge C. Llilias ,Jr. be appointed a member of the cOlillJliss ion to replace Lloyd E.Smith who now resides in Los Gatos. The Mayor announces the following appointments and terms of office: George C.I.lilias,Jr.and A.1::.Brovm-3 years, H.E.Robinson and L.V!.Vfueeler-2 years, George A.Wentz-l year. - I ! I Hot! on by Councilman Hogers, sec onded by Oounci lman ldilias and carried that City Clerk P.A.Cox be appointed secretary of the Gilroy Ci W Plannir...g Comraission at a salary of ;w15.00 ner month. l:iayor Heck di~3cusses a request of C.C.C.camp officials to make certain improvements on Burchell Rdad by removing ten or fifteen feet - ') " ) n~.d of earth from city property adjacent to the road.No objection is made. Councilman Milias discusses a proDosition for the erection of , an Armory building on city property,west Sixth street,Llr.L.Y/. Viheeler offering to cqntribute,an" amount of money equal to the amount of bonds sold by the city. The possibility of W.P.A. assistance is to be ascertained and I C' the City Attorney is instructed to ascertain the status of the bonds passed in 1936 and never sold. A communication is read from C. Vi. Humfeld asking that his applicat ion tor city inspector be considered. No action is taken. Adjourned subject to the call oft he c ha ir . <J .~.~~ Ci ty Clerk. '"