Minutes 1940/01/18 -q, ',) n...::..d Gilroy, California. January lS,1940. This regular adjourned meeting of the Commpn Council is oalled to order by His Honor Mayor S.D. Heck. Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,Jaok Rogers,James Battersby, r George A.Martin. Absent:Councilmen:George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Counoilman Milias reports on a discussion by the City Planning Commission relative to changes in the present fire zone,also,that the Planning Commission would like mo meet with the Counoil to disouss these c banges. Resolution No.5 of the Gilroy City Planning Commission is read. RESOLUTION NO.115 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Martin that RESOLUTION NO.115 be adopted. I 'I 524 RESOLUTION N 0 115 WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy has reported, found and recommended that a certain district of said City be changed from Zone "B" to Zone rr C" w}l..ich is bounded and described as follows, to wit: PARCEL ONE The property at the Northeast corner of Fourth and Eigleberry Streets, said premises having a front- age of 105 feet on Fourth Street and 117.50 feet on Eigleberry Street, and being a part of Lot 15, in Block 3 North, Range 1 West of the City of Gilroy, in Santa Clara County, California. J PARCEL TWO Commencing on the Northerly line of Fourth Street at a point 105 feet East of Eigleberry Street and running thence Easterly 37! feet~ and thence Southerly 117.50 feet to the point of peginning, and being a part of Lot 15 in Block 3 North, Range 1 West of the City of Gilroy, in Santa Clara County, California. Reference is hereby made to the map and general zoning ord- inance now on file in the office of. the City Clerk of said City of Gilroy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing will be had on Thursday, the - 5th day of February 1940 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock F.M. 01' said day in the Council Chambers of the Common I"""'fI- >...41 Council of said City in the City Hall of said City of Gilroy, when and where any person interested may protest and/or object to such change. AYES: NOES: Councilmen:George C.r,lilias,Jr. ,Jack Hogers,George A. r,Iart in, Jame s Battersby counc ilmen : None AESENT: Dated: Councilrnen:George LI.Mason,J>Tat Heiner January 18th, 1940. Attest: c~t~~~ c~lf;etA Mayer (Form 4) '''1 '. ,.,( -- Motion by Councibnan Rogers,seconded by Councilman Martin and carried that the 1~yor and the Clerk be authorized to sign a notice calling a public hearing on the zoning change recommended by the Planning COw~ission,February 5th,l940,e P.M.,Council Chambers,City Hall.2 A communication is read from the American-LaFrance-JToami te Corp- oration stating that the extra charge for increasing the size of the 5?5 water tank on the 'neVi fire truck to 200 gallons from 150 gallons would be $25.00. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried that a 200 gallon water tank be placed on the new fire truck and the Clerk be instruoted to advise the Amerioan-LaFrance- Foamite Corporation of this decision. Discussion is now had on the subject of Contractor's Licenses. Motion by Councilman I~ilias,seconded by Counctlman Rogers and carried that the license of J.P.Steinmetz be set at ~10.00 per quarter. Motion by Councilman Ivlilias,seconded by Counoilman Martin and carried that Harry A.Neal,successful bidder for painting the City Ball building,pay a ~50.00 license fee as a condition to his per- forming his contraot and that all local contractors be billed at onoe for a license of ~10.00 per year,all as set forth in Ordinance No.400. The Clerk is instructed to make lioense bills for the following local contractors:M.L.Gruver,James Bolton,Kenneth Spofford,Howson Bros.,George C.Renz,William Hadtke,Lawrence CUllen,E.D.Soward,and TTD.Line. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. d.Gv(OA~ Ci ty Clerk Gilroy,Califo~n;~ '"