Minutes 1940/01/18
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Gilroy, California.
January lS,1940.
This regular adjourned meeting of the Commpn Council is oalled to
order by His Honor Mayor S.D. Heck.
Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,Jaok Rogers,James Battersby,
George A.Martin. Absent:Councilmen:George M.Mason,Nat Heiner.
Counoilman Milias reports on a discussion by the City Planning
Commission relative to changes in the present fire zone,also,that
the Planning Commission would like mo meet with the Counoil to disouss
these c banges.
Resolution No.5 of the Gilroy City Planning Commission is read.
RESOLUTION NO.115 is presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Martin that
RESOLUTION NO.115 be adopted.
I 'I
N 0 115
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy has
reported, found and recommended that a certain district of said City
be changed from Zone "B" to Zone rr C" w}l..ich is bounded and described
as follows, to wit:
The property at the Northeast corner of Fourth
and Eigleberry Streets, said premises having a front-
age of 105 feet on Fourth Street and 117.50 feet on
Eigleberry Street, and being a part of Lot 15, in
Block 3 North, Range 1 West of the City of Gilroy,
in Santa Clara County, California.
Commencing on the Northerly line of Fourth Street
at a point 105 feet East of Eigleberry Street and
running thence Easterly 37! feet~ and thence Southerly
117.50 feet to the point of peginning, and being a part
of Lot 15 in Block 3 North, Range 1 West of the City
of Gilroy, in Santa Clara County, California.
Reference is hereby made to the map and general zoning ord-
inance now on file in the office of. the City Clerk of said City
of Gilroy.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing will be
had on Thursday, the - 5th day of February 1940 at the hour of 8:00
o'clock F.M. 01' said day in the Council Chambers of the Common
Council of said City in the City Hall of said City of Gilroy, when
and where any person interested may protest and/or object to such
Councilmen:George C.r,lilias,Jr. ,Jack Hogers,George A.
r,Iart in, Jame s Battersby
counc ilmen : None
Councilrnen:George LI.Mason,J>Tat Heiner
January 18th, 1940.
(Form 4)
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Motion by Councibnan Rogers,seconded by Councilman Martin and carried
that the 1~yor and the Clerk be authorized to sign a notice calling
a public hearing on the zoning change recommended by the Planning
COw~ission,February 5th,l940,e P.M.,Council Chambers,City Hall.2
A communication is read from the American-LaFrance-JToami te Corp-
oration stating that the extra charge for increasing the size of the
water tank on the 'neVi fire truck to 200 gallons from 150 gallons
would be $25.00.
Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman Rogers and
carried that a 200 gallon water tank be placed on the new fire
truck and the Clerk be instruoted to advise the Amerioan-LaFrance-
Foamite Corporation of this decision.
Discussion is now had on the subject of Contractor's Licenses.
Motion by Councilman I~ilias,seconded by Counctlman Rogers and
carried that the license of J.P.Steinmetz be set at ~10.00 per
Motion by Councilman Ivlilias,seconded by Counoilman Martin and
carried that Harry A.Neal,successful bidder for painting the City
Ball building,pay a ~50.00 license fee as a condition to his per-
forming his contraot and that all local contractors be billed at
onoe for a license of ~10.00 per year,all as set forth in Ordinance
The Clerk is instructed to make lioense bills for the following
local contractors:M.L.Gruver,James Bolton,Kenneth Spofford,Howson
Bros.,George C.Renz,William Hadtke,Lawrence CUllen,E.D.Soward,and
Adjourned subject to the call
of the chair.
Ci ty Clerk