Minutes 1940/03/04 o o D 5:tB Gilroy,California. March 4,1940. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor 3. D. Heok. Present: Counc ilmen: George C. I:lilias, Jr. ,Jack Rogers ,James Battersby, George A.Martin,George I.I.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent: Councilmen: None. IJinutes of the meetings of the meetings of February 5th and 13th and I.larch 1st, 1940 ,are read and approved. Eot10n by Councilman Rogers, sec onded by Counci lman fllilias and carried that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for a General Liability insurance policy for the City, bids to be opened at 8 o'clock P.M. ,Thursday,Harch 21,1940. l,ir .Angelo Mangano appears before the Council to discuss the drainage situation at Forest Street aln Leavesley Road. 'Ilhe Mayor announces that a committee consisting of himself ,members of the Council and the Ci ty Zngineer will view the si tuat ion,Friday afternoon,March 8th. 'l'he City ]e.:ngineer reports on hi s investigation of the drainage complaint made by Messrs.Cohen and Bowman ani suggests a solution to t he problem. A Notification of Liquor License Application-transfer from Antone George,63 S.Monterey street,to Joe Fernandez,is presented. Ko objection is made. 'rhe ~aerk reads a communication from the Board of Equalization, a reply to the action of the Council February 5,1940. :.lotion by Councilman l\'lilias, sec onded by Counc i-lmanE3at tersby and carried that the City adopt the Cceneral Prevailing Wage Scale adopted by the Board of ~upervisors of ~anta Clara County,California, October g,lg3g,for contract work. . .j i 550 ~, GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE SCALE A:O~BYTH! BOARD OFSUfERVISORS OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF~ , . ."08!~BEn 'Qth" 1939. 1.25 - 10.00 1.75 - 10.50 1.00 8.00 1.i2, 9,00 1.122 9.00 1.25 - 10.00 1.25 10.~ (Overtime doubl~ 1,.,37i 1l.t'>D 1.50 -' 12.(10' 1.05 a.40 1.253 ... lo~d.6 ~:~~; ~ !:,I.... .80 6. (6 hour day) i :~~ - 1~:~ ", f i:g~t l~:~ 1.314" - 10.$0 1.60 - 12.to .75 6.00 1.60 9.60 1.25 10.06 .75 '6,,00 1.0St -' 8.60 1.1'2f - .9.<10 1...~22 6.75 2.00 - l2aC)Q 1 .12! - ~."s .75 6.W "l,~OO a.oo l'.'1S - 11",94 ~ t ~o~:kers er-s th" en: tmd Linoleum Workers if Finishe:rs ~e mixer (except paving 'Ca.1 Workers, Constructors Constructors ,1"s (passenger) Workers e Setters e Cutt-ers n hour day) hour day) (6 hour day) type) - Helpers on construction work (7 (6 Architectural Iron ~e1nforced Concrete ,Bridge and Structural (6 hour QQY~ (Overtime double) (6 hour day) {6 hour day) .. __'_.,'1-r,y:. .__,~,iGi'::'-",-,,'.._._ 1.79,.1.i - 14.32 1.25 .. 10.0:4 1.18t 9.46 1.34{ -10.?' 1',6,.'11' - 12.92 1.S4t - 10.76 1.~1 3/'--6.60 if7,ft :ti:~g t ~". : .~ "'. tJ"?oi; ".,\).:,,:',>;. RATES H.9-~ Day 1 .61.t 12.92 1.611 - 12.92 1.614 12.92 .94 7.52 1.34.1. - lO~'li i.34! - 10,'1$ 1.72 - 13.'m 1.40 - 11.2'0 l,8St - 15.06 . !iI,' ~,'"",',""""I J; :~ , . '*0 >>'.,"," .., '; -U t a fry r I \ t , .0........" .4'. . . IJ r. I. .'It 551 WAGE SCALE, Cont. Adopted October 30, 1939 ,,\ CRAPT ---.----- Roofers (Overtime, time and one-half) Shade and Drape Hangers Sheet Metal Workers Sprinkler Fitters Steam Fitters Stone Setters. stone Cutters Surface Heat'ers ~1le 'Setters Tile'Setters. 'truck Dri vet's II .' tt It 11 ,t. 1I (Overtime, double) (Overt ime, double) (6 hour 'day) .ft . " Truck Drivers V il ,. II II II Replers Dump, 2 yards or " 3 yards or II 4 yards or II 5 yards or 6 yards or of Transit Mix; 2 II II II 3 II II 4 II "5 \I II 6 II less (Overtime,double) less (Ove~time,do~ble) les s (Overtime, dov.ble) less (Overtime,double) less (Overtime,double) yards or less(Overtime yards or 16ss double) yards or less II II yards or less II II yards or less II " 11 11 II II 11 W.ter Wagon Drivers Drivers on Rosa Oilers e6ndy Wagon Drivers Tractor Drivers', up'to and including 36 RP, (8 hour day) , II 11 36 liP up to and including 50 HP Tl"O\~le Shooter, mechanic ': Wa~ehmen, except for Steam ~hovels We1de~s t Sigp Painters (Overtime, time and one-half)(7 hr.day). Sign Painters,Helpers(Overtime,tdlme & one-half)(7 hr.'day \J~ Jf, Wa.ges of all laborers shall b:P seventy-f.ive c_ents (."7P") peT jt~J:' straight time, work and on Sat\lrday morning, except as otperwi.~;e ~'(, vided. Laborers handling all' 4.'.rr.. .electric toole weigh.l....ng +fitt.'f. ;'~.50t..;t.. "...... pounds or more including vibr~ors over;. two and one-half' (2~J.;,; . ,J~ shaft diameter, shall btJ paid' inety cents (..90~) pel;' hour.'y ''Ih'' Worker.S with air or electric S .aders shall receive also n:rn~t-ii'c'en, (90~) per hour.:' I i '~'J No laborers shall be paid for a less rate than seventy-five cenfl (.75/) per ho~r. <~' Ordinary overtime, one and one- If times above rate; exc~t as h ',noted. . ,. . . ".. ,Legal holidays, viz.; New Year' s Da~'ilJ\iashington' s Birthd~y, l<lemot, , Day, lndependeX}ce Day, Labor Duy, A.d1n;ts-s$'On Day, A-r~Q~ ~.~. giving Day" Dhristmas Day; SaturdaYs, Sundays, where cra.t'~s work a fi~e day week, .and/or where schedule of crnfts so provida-.. overtime sha:ll be paid at the rate of double time, except for wa'l1~en,\ guar, an,(i flagmen. . <V'.~'), E~g1neers and Operators shall receive double time for 0.'"' .' Carl>.entars overtime for first four hours after the f11'!r,t t~e and one-half, and thereafter douole time., '-:,;t,' Laborers overtime for first 4 hours after the firs't 8 hO'tK" one-half ~nd double time thereufCer, and also Satur~ay ar~~d~ ab.ove' listed Holidays)' double time. . .. . \', Any classificatiop omlted herefrom,shall be pald not lessj~~t" ~1.Ull rate set forth above.' }~'i', ~ .....'~.a..b..o'v..... e ar..e........w.....a.s..es....pe1:'..~...........'an or eigl,1t. ho..ur~ Bn.d..h~.. ~. nQ1ie l~~s than.... .[1/.2) of the rate a:bti'Ve $t ..",,110. Qx-att s. c.41(1}. ',:Sf>>I.'.............."'....'.'.......!l....efls. than eie;ht (6) hOllr~.,<... '. ...." Poremen are ...t.D.' ,'" ",'.p. ' i O. t. less than $1.00 more t bf.1;~ the part~D\lla. .pe.r-~ $l> en~rated.' .~ 552 ORDIN.Al'WE l'T0.432 is presented and read. AN ORDINANCE AL1EIIDING ORDINANCE 1rO.422 OF THE CITY OF GILROY ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE OF' TI-"::E CITY OF GIIJWY PROVIDING FOR TEE ESTABLISf]J];},;rT V1ITHIN SAID CITY OF CEHTAIN DIS'rl.ICTS ',iITEIN ','iIHCE TI{E CLAiJSE:::; OF 3UILDHTGS j\.l,D STHUGTURES MID THE USES 'l'EERE:- OF ARE LILSITED AIID IN ':InCH CERTAIN YARDS AND OTEBH OPEE SPACES ARE l.m;,JTIRED AND CERTAIN OTHER REGUUiTIOr;s ...illE "~PlJLIED; D1::FIJ...IEG Tim TERMS USED I1EREIN; PHOVIDIl!G Fen TEE GEAl<TIEG OF AD,JtrSTE:;~I!rS IE TIlE APPLICAT ION OF lJ.ry OF 'rEE PROVISIONS EElillOF; P1TS~ClnI3IlTG TEE PRocrmm1E :IrOR TEE ADj,.Ii,ISTRATION A.liD i\.lvLElillLLNT r:CREOJi';AND PHK3CRIBING PEl~ALTIES }i'on Al-::I VIGlA'l'ION 0]' 'l'} PROVISIONS EERiWF. (1 and repealing Ordinance Eo. 431 of said Ci to' rola ting to a zOning" change · U I,'.ot ion by ,ounc ilman Hor;ers ,seconded by~ounci lrilan Eason that onD IlJAl:CE LlJ. 43i~ be adopted.. The vote on roll call is: AYES: Counc ilme n: Ge o1'[;e :..;. Llilias ,J'r. , J'ac h: _,ogers, J-aues Da ttersby , George A.Hartin,George L.Eason,Nat Heiner. I\JOE:3 : Councilmen: l:rone. ABSEITT: Counc ilrnen: None. A conUlmnication is read fron Logan cs Frazer,city auditors,relative to adopt ion of a billing system for the '.",ater Department. ater801lector G. :3.:;ar1' discusses the billing plan and costs for a new set-up and the monthly cost. i,lot ion by Counc ilman Hogers, seconded by Counci lY!lan I~einer and a carried that a Graphotype machine be purchased for use of the ria ter Departraent. Ccmncilman l.ason,chairman of the ;ater Committee,discusses the vibration in the pump at tLe l\lunicipal PUllping Plant. L::otion by C'-:ouncilman I,:ilias, sec onded by Counci lman Hogers and carried tba t the chairman of tIle '"ater Corar:li ttee secure the serv ices of Layne (;:, Bowler Pump Company to care for the pump immediately. Counc ilman I;lason cHscusses the dornage at the reservoir caused by a sec t ion o-e the 1vall caving in. Lotion by Counci Iman Milias ,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that the chairman of the '.Iater COIlli'11i ttee take cl:..arge of tr& repairs at the reservoir with power to act. 'I'lle Gity Engineer reports a portion of the preliminary work for II o~ening the alley Third Street to Fourth ::;treet, betvleen Eonterey and Eigleberry Streets,completed. 'l'he matter of placing curbs and gutters on Eailroad. Street from Old Gilroy Street to Lewis Street is discussed,the City attorney advising that two methods could be used-one-all Dro~rtv owners L __ '" VOluntarily sign-up for the ~ork,or,two-the for.mation of an improve- ment district. 'Ehe I.Iayor instructs the Superintendent of Street to 55~3 sellure the necessary form.s and intervievv each property owner. The Clerk is instructed to conIDlunicate with the Postoffice De- partment,riashington,D.C. ,stating that the block on North Dowdy Street betvveen 'rhird and Fourth Streets is 50~b improved and street lights have been placed in the same manner as in other res idence sections of the city. .. 'l'he Mayor discusses the need for repairs to the street adjoining the Southern Pacific denote Re!;X)rts of the City officers are presented and read. l.=otion by Councilman ILilias, seconded by Counc il...'1lan Rogers and carried that the reports of City officers be accented as read and placed on file. ~\ Motion by COUl1C tIman He iner, sec onded by Counc ilman Mart in" that the bills are presented be allowed and war~ants ordered drawn on tte 'l'reasurer. J2r.Ed.Piedmont appears before the Council to discuss the garbage contra~t he has with the City. Lx.Piedmont suggests .that free .use of .tlle garbag'6 dump be allowed and the city cut the contract price down to reason. The Mayor arillounces that this D~tter will be dis- cussed in a clo sed meeting. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair, d. u...~ Ci ty Clerk:. '"