Minutes 1940/03/18
March 18,1940.
This regular adjourned meeting of the ComnlOn Council is called
to order by Lis Eonor Llayor S.D.Heck.
Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,James Battersby,George A.
Martin,George Ivl.I,~ason,1iat :Heiner. Absent: Councilmen: Jack Rogers.
rrhe application for liQuor licenses of lJ:att Hamazane (d.b.a.as
Gilroy Bottling Viorks) and Antone Burge ss ,27 S. E.on tere y Street,
are presented.
The Clerk iB instructed,with reference to the application of
Antone f3urgess, to wri ta to the Board 0 f =~quali zation callin~ their
at~ention to the action of the Council at the regular monthly meet-
ing,}'ebruary 5,1940.
r::;ouncilman 1,:ilias, chair1i1an of the Auditorium Building Commi ttee
reports on com:.ci ttee meetings held and states that the plans and
specifications presented by I.Iessrs.I:3inder
a meeting of the ':~ommi ttee ,I.Iarch 15th, are acceptable and the
Cornmi ttee recommends to the Council that they be accepted.
I;:otion OJ' Councilman J,"ilias, seconded by Councilman Lart in that
the report 0 l' the Building Cornmi ttee be adopted.
nolI call on this motion: Ayes:Councilrnen GecrgeJ.Eilias,Jr.,
James Battersby,\}eorge A.Llartin,George LI.Llason,l:at lleiner. l;oes:
Councilmen: None.
Absent: Councilmen: J"ack Hogers.
Discussion is novr had on the inclusion of bid bonds as being accept...
able ",i th bids submitted for construction of the Lunic ipal Auditorium.
It is unanimously decided to include the provision for bid bonds in
tl:e advertisement calling for bids.
i,lotion by;ouncilman Eeiner,seconded by:"':ouncilman l"artin and
carried unanimously tha,t the Clerk>: be inE;tructed to advertise for bids
for the construction of a Lunicipal 11..udi toriWll, bids to be opened,
Thursday,April 4,1940,at S P.L.
^;ouncilman L:ason relJorts thet . aI'," of rebuilding the damaGed wall
at the reservoir has been ccrn]leted.
:;cnmc iLman Liilias discusses the planting of Vlillovls along the levee
on:;arnadero Creek and the possibility of using '".P...iLlabor for the
work. This matter is to be investigated further.
The City En,gineer discusse s th e pI' opo sed iI:J.provement of Hailroad
street. It is decided that the difference between the money now
available in the Gas Tax Fund and tIle estimated cost ()f the .job will
be made up from the General Fund ,providing, assurance can be obtained
that the General Fund moneys will be returned to that fund 1j>lhen the
neVI Gas Tax money is made available in Liay,1940.
The City Engineer discusses his cunversations Ylith the Eighwa'Y
IDJepartment officials relative to the widening of Llonterey street.
Adjourned subject to the call
of the chair.
City Cler~