Minutes 1940/04/19
Gilroy, Cali fornia.
April 19,1940.
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil is oalled
to order b~ Bis Honor Mayor S.D. Heck.
Present:Councilman:George C.Milias,Jr.,James Battersby,George
A.Martin,Nat Heiner. Absent: Councilmen: Jaok Rogers,George M.Mason.
The estimated oost or installing a rifle range and strong room
in the new Munioipal AUditorium,is presented.
Motion by Counoilman Martin,seconded by Counoilman Heiner and
carried that George C.Renz be awarded the job of furnishing labor
and material for the strong room in the auditori~ for the sum of
$4l2.0Q;furnish all la~or and material for excavation and concrete
walls for rifle range in the autitorium for the sum of $495.00;
furnish all lumber and labor for the rifle range in the auditorium
tor the sum of $406.00;furnish all labor and material for re-inforc-
ing steel and concrete floors for the rifle range in the auditorium
~r the um of $33?00.
Adjourned subject to the call
of the chair.
City Cle k.