Minutes 1940/05/02 1 560 Gilroy,California. :May 2,1940. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is oalled to order by His Honor Mayor S.D.Heck. Present:Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,James Battersby, George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Nat Heiner. Absent:Councilmen:None. Minutes of the meetings of April lst,4th,17th,lgth and 26th,lg40 are read and approved. An assignment of monies payable to George C.Renz,contractor for the rdunicipal Auditorium, to the Glens Falls Indemnity Company,is prese nted. Motion by Councilman Milias, Seconded by Counc ilman Hogers and oarried that the rece~pt of the assignment of payments to George C.Renz to the Glens Falls Indenmity Company is acknowledged. A letter from 1~.L.W.~fueeler agreeing to loan to the City of Gilroy the sum of $6,000.00 with interest at 4t% per annum on said amount,~~interest payable semi-annually, to purchase fire apparatus, is read. RESOLUTION NO.125 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Martin the RESOLUTION NO.125 be adopted. fJ [ ,'< I , I -~ 5Gl RESOLUTION NO ~ WHEREAS, L. W. WHEELER of Gilroy, California has loaned to the City of Gilroy for the purchase of a fire apparatus, the sum of Six Thousand and nO/lOa ($6,OOO.OO) Dollars payable one (l) year from the date hereof, with interest thereon at theJ rate of 4t% per annum from the date hereof payable semi-annually, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Gilroy and the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, in their official capacity, make, execute and deliver to L. W. VlliEELER of Gilroy, California a promissory note in the prinoipal sum of Six Thousand and nO/lOO ($6,OOO.OO) Dollars, to bear interest at 4i~ per oent per annum, payable semi-annually, and due in one (1) year from the date hereof. Dated this 2nd day of May , 1940, and passed and addopted bJ the following vote: A YES : NOES: Councilmen:George C.Milias,Jr. ,Jaok Rogers,James Batt~r~by,George A.Martin,George M.Mason Councilmen: Nat Helner. . None Councilmen: None ABSENT: Attest: Cl~'~~ Approved: ~~~~- May; Councilman Milias reports on insurance coverage for the new fire truck. Motion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried that the $100.00 deductible provision for oollision be acoepted,along with other provisions for insurance coverage, for the new fire truck. A lease, City of Gilroy to the State ~f California,covering the Municipal Auditorium,is presented. By unanimous consent this matter is laid over until a later date. A letter is read from the League of California cities,answering an inquiry made with reference to annexation of additional territory to the city. This matter was laid over until a later date. Motion by Councilman Milias,seconded by Councilman 1~rtin and carried that the sum of $61,365.31 be trasnferred from the General Fund to 5fl2 the Auditorium Building Fund. Counoilman Mason reports that Mrs.Kell oontemplates certain im- provements at the City dam and same new pipe and improvements at the intake would be required. This matter is placed in the hands of the Water Committee. Mr.H.P.Atkinson,representing the Band Boosters club ,ppears before the Counoil to solicit a contribution from the City to send the :l Gilroy High School band to Los Angeles to participate in the Region- a.l band contest. Motion by Councilman Battersby,seconded by Councilman Milias and carried that the sum of $300.00 be contributed to the Band Boosters club to assist in defraying the expense of sending the Gilroy High School band to the Regional band contest in Los Angeles. City Engineer W.J.Hanna reports on the progress of the proposed paving of Railroad Street. Metion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Reports of the city officers are read. Motion by Councilman Bettersby,seconded by Councilman Heiner and carried that repo~ts be accepted as read and plaoed on file. Discussion is had on possibility of the G.B.Gentry Co.ot'<I..Qs Angeles,looating near Gilroy. Adjourned subject to the .all of the chair. CR.Cl.~~. City Clerk. '"