Minutes 1940/06/18
Gilroy, California.
June 18,1940.
This reguJa r adjourned meeting 0 f the Common Council is oalled to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias ,Jr.
Present: Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason,James Battersby,
Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth. Absent:Counoilmen: Jack Rogers.
Architects Certificate No.l,in the amount of ~9,821.25, to George
C.Renz,for work completed on the oonstruction of the Municipal Audit-
orium,is presented.
1~tion by Councilman Heiner,seconded by- Counoilman Y~rtin and
oarried that the Glens Falls Indemnity Company,assignee of George
C.Renz,contractor,be given first payment of $9,821.25 on the audit-
orium contract,as O.K.'d by the architect under date of June 11,1940.
Councilman Heiner discusses a request made by the proprietor of the
Corner Market to erect a board:n fenae~ in the rear 0 f the property at
corner of Fourth and fuonterey streets.
It is unanimously recolmnended that a wire fenoe be erected on the
Fourth street side and the alley side of the lot and a board fence
across the interior of the lot.
An invitation from the Gilroy Volunteer Fire Department to the
Mayor and Common Council to attend a dinner at the Hotel Milias,
ThursdaY,June 20th,is read. The h~yor urges all members of the
Council to be present.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the chair.
Ci ty Cler .