Minutes 1940/06/21 f' 566 Gilroy, Califom ia. June 21,1940. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common council is called to order by HiscEonor IvIayor George C.Milias,Jr. Present:Coullcilmen:George A.Martin,Jack Hogers,George lvI.Mason, James Battersby,Nat Heiner,J .H. Yientworth. Absent: Councilmen: None. The 1~yor now presents the list of comruittees of the Counoil. Chairman Street Rogers N..artin Martin He iner Mason Rogers Battersby Mason Heiner Wentworth Martin Rogers Wentworth Battersby Wentworth Mason Finanoe Battersby Ways',&. Means Wentworth Ordinance Heiner Water Mason Fire Heiner Sewer police Entire Board Lighting Building & Grounds Battersby Rogers Wentworth Martin Heiner Mason Public Health & Safety .1.alier a.ate. Rogers Battersby :Mart in Councilman Rogers now discusses the need for a 16" valve at the Sewer Farm, the valve tb be used to divert vTater from the filter beds to irrii..gation purposes. This matter is placed in the hands of the Sewer Com.Jli ttee 'with power to act. The Mayor noVl discusses ehanging the . location of.thaeiltrano.e of electric and telephone wires into the L:unicipal Auditorium. Llotion by Counc ilman lilartin, seconded by Counc ilman Rogers amd carried that electric and telephone wires enter the Auditorium r 5G7 at the Southeast corner of the building instead of tho l~rtheast corner, the telephone vTires to be in conduit, the to tal cost of the change to be ',v ~2:."SCl.+ \Oora. 'l'he;i ty Engineer now presents the plans and specifications for the improvement of Railro ad Stree t. Motion by Counc ilman .~:attersby ,seconded by Council;:aan 1.lart in and carried that the plans and specifications for the i~provement of ~~' Railroad street ,as presented by the City Engineer, be approved. Counci~nan Mason now presents a list of uncollectable water bills vdth a request that the same be cancelled. CITY OF GILROY, WATER DEPT. Account No. 3 -:33 24 - 5 29 - 10 25 - 4 29 - 17 2 - 2 3 - 29 29 -:1 r- 26 - 7 I 32 - 2 I 14 - 8 - 26 - 33 28 - 15 28 - 33 30 - 4 16 - 32 19 - 3 19 - 25 25 - ~8 0-3 7 - 34 4 - 27 4 - 1 7 - 17 4 - 2 o - 17 9 - 12 5-- 20 2 - 4 o - 22 1 - 31 3 - 35 2 -' 34 4 - 34 9 - 23 1~ : i .,1 - 25 !4 - 21 (6 - 10 '1 - 31 4 - 8 5 - 5 2 - 29 4 - 15 o - 11 1 - 18 3 - 6 9 - 27 Name Avery, Donald Avery, Ed. Alderson, Thos Cromin, Geo. Cordova, Juan Davis, H. N. Craig, Clarence Elliot G. W. Filice, Dominie Fredrickson, C. E. Frei tas, Manuel Floyd, A. T. Filice, C. A Fine, Ledyar~ Fogg, Miss Gen. Pet. Corp. Goldner, Wm. George, Antone Gonzales, A. Handa, Take. Hollister, I. W. Higgins, Mr. Holbaok, John Hayter, Lee Hays, G. B. Imes, Perl Jaoobs, J. A. Johnson, H. R. Knudsen, Ted Lassley, Vernon Leyba, T. Ladner, N. J. Langtry, Mrs K. L. Lovell, E. V. Miller, :e>. Madieros, Tony~ Mc Cune, Neva Madieros, Tony Morris, A. A. Mason, Frank Mi1lham, M. G. Morris, Harry Noel, Francis Palazola, Frank Remos, Sarah Soward, E.. D. Salvation Army Sherman, Mrs. B. Silvera, H. Uncol~ectable Accounts. June,30, 1940. Water Consumed At 347 4th St. 405 ?th St. Bodfish Road 33? 6th St. t disputed) Bodfish Road 234 N. Dowdy St. 235 N. Rosanna St. Bodfish Road (disputed) 184 Alexander st. III N. Monterey St.tdisputed) 8th & Dowdy Sts. ' 188 6th St. 85 Martin St. Bodfish Road Welburn Ave. 9th &:. Monte rey 23 S. Monterey 63 S. Monterey 70 Forest St. Vlelburn Ave. Vi. 6th St. (disputed) 342 N Rosanna St. 324 4th St. 109 S. Eigleberry St. 118 Maple St. Casey Lane 391 N. Monterey St. (disputed) 342 Martin st. Lewis St. Hot Springs Road 1?0 Maple St. 270 N. Carmel st.. 366 E. 6th St. 19 Forest st. 227 N. Monterey St 787 N. Monterey.st. 244 E. 6th St. 232 N. HanDa St. 226 N. Rosanna St. 176 N. Rosanna St. (disputed) 2? S. Eigleberry St. 363 Old Gilroy St. ?9 N. Rosanna St 85 S. Hanna St. 153 S. Rosanna St. (deceased) Hot Springs Road 238 N. Monterey St. 487 8th St. 60 4th st. (disuuted (disputed (disputed) (disputed) (bankrupt) Amount 10.10 " 6.35 5.00 6.25 11.40 ,\ 3.85 23.fl5 4.00 3.40 20.00 I 1.95 3.00. 8.75 7.50 8.75 3.30 1.40 2.05 1.50. 3.26 4.40 11.75 13.85 13.20 3.75 7.75 6.35 4.05 : 5.00 7.50 5.00 2.55 3.95 8.?5 3.?5 5.70' 4.00- 8.95 . ?50 5.05 3.05 3.75- 3.00 4,,?5 5.60 2.65' 6.25 2.50 5.20 - II I: 568 Aooount No. Name 5 - 20 32 - 8 32 - 18 31 27 21 - 31 '22 - 18 23 - 9 26 - 14 30 - 12 23 - 25 27 - 20 7 - 16 ~32 - 21 jG - 13 12 - 12 5 - 10 o - 26 2 ':" 9 Spo fford, K. V. Spo fford, K. V. Shimamoto" H. Sosa, Alonza Silacci, Walter Sosa, Frank Sutton,Herb Sparks, J. P. Stewar~,Ed. Truskett, Paul Thrasher, F. B. Valley Ice & Bev. Vegetable Growers Vickroy, C. H. white, Tom Webster, E. G. \100d, J. J. Yuen Fong I L . Water Consumed At ~J:::nt 3.75 3.75 5.00 1.25 10.85 5.00 11.35 11.05 3.?5 6.75 6.25 5.00 4.?0 l3~75 1.45 2.50 1.85 3.75 i i I , "-' Brot. Forward 345 N. Church St. 193 S. Eigleberry St 325 Old Gilroy St. 260 N.Alexander st. I.O.O.F. Ave. 158 Chesnut st. 32 Chesnut St. 155 Alexander St. Hot Springs Road. 6? Maple St. 306 Alexander St. Co. 200 S. Monterey St. Ass.E. 9th st. (bankrupt) 423 E. 6th St. 450 3rd st. 28 N. Rosanna St. 3?5 S. Eigleberry St. (disputed 115 S. Monterey st. Total i' l' ,r'4:d1e 85 ow, . j Motion by Counc ilman Ileiner, seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried that the list of uncollectible water bills,as presented, amounting to ~456.85,be written off the books. Councilman Mason now discusses improvements at the reservoir. The Water Conmittee and the City Engineer will investigate this matter further. The Mayor now declares the Council to be in executive session. "",,,,",7" The Clerk is instructed to secure from each city employee the in- formation when each expects to take his vacation and present this to the Council the first meeting in July. All vacations are to be for two consecutive weeks. Applications for the position of City Attorney from James S.Byers and Sydney S.Johnson are now presented and read. I!Iotion by Councilman Heiner ,seconded by Councilman Rogers and carried unanimously that James S.Byers be appointed City Attorney for two years,effective as of June 6,1940, and to hold office at the pleasure of the Council,at a salary of $25.00 per month. Applications for On Sale Beer and Wine and Wine Bottling licenses of the Dobashi Market,South Eonterey Street,are 'presented. No objection is made. Adijourned subject to the call of the chair. I '1 ~j .. G.Ov.~ City Clerk.