Minutes 1940/07/01
Gilroy, California.
.July 1,1940.
This regular lmnthly meeting 0 f the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Ilayor George C.!vtilias ,Jr.
Present:Councilluen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Jack Rogers,
.James Battersby,.J.H.Wentworth. Absent:Counoilmen: Nat Heiner.
Minutes of the meetings of June 3rd,lSth and 21st are read and
1~.E..J.Fabbri,chairman of the Concessions Committee of the Gilroy
Gymkhana and Horse Show, appears before the Council to discuss the
matter of the city returning the money,charged for licenses for the
various concessions, to the Gymkhana Association.
Vlot ion by Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Hogers and
carried that the city return the license money collected for oon-
cessions,during the annual Gymkhana,to the Gymkhana Association.
Councilman 1~son discusses the pump recently installed at the
reservoir. The matter of bringing the pump up to the maximum op-
erati ng efficiency is left to the Water Commi tteej ~.the co:m:mlt'tee
to install SO ft. of 4" O.D.pipe and test the pump for 90 G.P.M.
delivery and upon satisfactory performance authorize the bill for
the pump to be paid.
l,ir.P.Perrelli,17 l'Zorth llanna Street, now appears before the Council
with'_~a..l..oomplaint about the noise emanating fran. the church located
at the northwest corner of Sixth and Hanna streets,adj~ing his prop-
r..xs .G. Esche.nburg and IJrs. Lillian Crawford, residing at 20 North
Eanna street and 77 North Hanna Street,respectively,also state their
cOLwlaint against the noise fram the church.
The Clerk is instructed to write a letter to Rev.Arthur Hyland,
pastor of the Glad 'l'idings Assembly, invi ting him to attend a meet-
of the council,Ii~onday, July 15th, S P.E.,in the Council Chambers,
city Hall.
I.lr.Ed. Piedmont ,glllrbage contract franchise holder, apJX3 ars before
the Council to discuss a reduction in the monthly payments made
under the terrns of his contract. After considerable discussion this
matter is laid over for discussion at a later date.
The Mayor di scus ses the c ondi tion of hhe doors at the JTire House.
~he chairman of the Fire CODElittee is instructed to ascertain the
cost of making the necessary improvements.
'The Eayor reports on additional improvements being made on the
Carnadero levee.
A cornnmnication is read from the Go:mmunity Center asking for a
donation of 0200.00
lIotion by Councilman l.~artin,seconded b~r Councilman Battersby and
carried that the sum of 'j,,200.00 be donated to the ':';orL~unity Center. _
liquor license
1i C'J. t ior!s of lCensb,i Tachiki, d. b. a. Gilroy Shokai,
South Llonterey ctreet ,are presented. No objection is made.
The Clerk now presents the vacation schedule for the various city
No objection being made the Clerk is instructed to post the list.
The matter of the Application for Appropriation of Water from a
tributary of the Uvas Creek by Aloise McPhee, is presented. The
City Engineer reports that the application calls for a minor amount
of water. This matte~is referred to the City Engineer and the City
Attorney to make a final report.
The matter of a wooden sign in front of the Purity Store,Fourth
Street, is discussed. The matter of city ordinances governing signs
of th~stype is referred to the City Attorney.
The matter of speeding on HaIDla Street is discussed. The Mayor
states he will direct the Traffic Officer to investigate.
The request of ~he Anglo California National Bank to erect a sign
on their property,located on the East side of Monterey Street,betweem
Martin and Lewis streets, is discussed. The Clerk is instructed to
advise them that the request is denied.
Motion by Councilman Mason,seconded by Councilman Rogers and
carried that the Clerk be instructed to advertise the meetings of
tm Board of Equalization for July l5th,lSth and 22nd,1940,7:30 P.M.
to 8 P.M. ,in the Council Chambers,in the City Hall.
Motion by Councilman Battersby,seconded by Councilman W~rtin and
carried that Councilman Nat Heiner be granted twenty days leave of
absence from the state.
A oommunication is read from the Bandy Oil & Supply Co. bidding
$2.00 per bbl. for SC2 Road Oil,spread. This matter is referred to
the Street Committee.
The semi-annual report of the Poundmaster is read and ordered
placed on file.
The annual report of the Gilroy Free Publio Library is read and
ordered placed on file.
The Mayor now discusses fire Insurance for the new Municipal
Auditorium. This matter is referred to the chairman of the Finance
Committee for investigation and report.
RE!J orts of the City Officers are read.
Motion by Counc ilman Martin,seoonded by Counci lman Rogers and
,; carried that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file.
Motion by Councilman 1~son,seconded by Councilman Battersby that
bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered on the Treasurer.
Councilman Martin reports that that ~~.George C.Renz,lessee of a
portion of the Old Septic Tank property,Old Gilroy Street, has
gran te d permission to use a portion of the property for the purpose
of dumpdng scrap iron.
Adjourned subject to the
call 0 f the cha ir,
City Clerk.