Minutes 1940/08/05 1 576 Gilroy, California. AUgust 5,1940. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Counoil i8 called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.M1lias ,Jr. Present:Councilmen: George A.Martin,George M.Mason,Jaok Rogers, James Battersby,J.H.Wentworth. Absent:Counoilmen: Nat Heiner. Minutes of the meetings of JUly Ist,Sth,15th and 22nd,1940,are read and approved. r' }~.E.J.Fabbri,chair.man of the Gilroy Recreation Commis8ion,appears before the Council to discuss the oity's oontribution to the oommiss- ion for the year 1940 and asks that the Counoil oonsider a con- tribution of $500.00,this amount to be used to assist in complet- ing the work at the Gymkhana grounds. Mr.J.E.Ayer and Mr.Elmer Weymouth also appear before the Counoil to .peak in behalf of a contribution ot $500.00 to the Recreation Commission. and carried Motion by Councilman Martin,seoonded by Councilman Wentworth/~hat the sum ot$500.00 be oontributed to the Gilroy Reoreation Commission the money to be used to assist in completing the work at the Gymkhana grounds. This being the time speoified in a publio advertis8ment tor opening bids for the paving of Railroad Street,between Old Gilroy street and Lewis Street, three bids are presented and read; Granite Construotion company-$S,260.aO;Piazza & Huntley-ta,367.60; '" L.C.Karstedt-$8,128.45. Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by Councilman Battersby and oarried that the bid of L.C.Karstedt(tor $8,12S.45 for paving of Railroad street,fran Old Gilroy Street to Lewis Street, be accepted, his bid being the lowest and best bid. Motion by Counoilman Battersby,seconded by Counoilman Martin and "'1""":'7 ;)/ ' carried that the Cashier's Check in the amount of $l,OOO.OO,pre- sented by Piazza & Huntley with their bid, be returned and the oertified check of the Granite Construction Company be retained until L.C.Karstedt signs the contract for paving Railroad Street. Councilman Battersby disousses insuranoe for the new Munioipal Auditorium. Thts matter is given to the Finance Committee .dth power ~o act. ~A The transfer of a Liquor Lioense tram Celine Carrey and Virginia Treptow to Celine Carrey is presented. No objeotion is made. A communication ts read tram the HOllenback Eleotrio Works quoting the cost of placing an auxilliary fire alarm system in the Munioipal Auditorium at $134.50 plus 10%. Motion by Counoilman Rogers,seoonded by Councilman 1mrtin and carried that the Hollenbaok Eleotrio Works be awarded the work of installing an auxilliary fire alarm system in the Municipal Audit- orium at a oost of $134.50 plus 10,&., The Mayor reports that the investigation of the uhesehurch at the northwest oorner of Hanna and Sixth streets,is continuing. The Superintendent of Streets reports that the work on the the Carnadero Levee is praotioally oompleted. portable Councilman Mason discusses the purchase of ajpump for the Water Department. The Clerk is instruoted to oommunioate with the Home- li te Corp oration and arrange for a demnstrat ion. Councilman Rogers discusses the installation of a tank by Gordon E. Chappell ,at his place 0 f business on North Monterey Street, with- out a permit~ The Mayor instruots the Superintendent of Streets to ascertain if the tank is used. i~~ Reports of the city officers are presented and read. Motion by Counc ilman Rogers ,seo onded by Couno tlman Wentworth and oarried tnat the reports ot the city offioers be accepted as read am placed on fil e. Motion by Councilman Martin,seconded by counoilman Rogers and carried that bills as Jl" esented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subjeot to the oall of the chair. G.Q.&i, Ci ty Clerk.