Minutes 1940/08/19
Gilroy, California.
August 19.1940.
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.M1lias,Jr.
Present:Counoilmen: George M.Mason,Jack Rogers.James Battersby,
Nat Heiner,J.H.Wentworth. Absent:Counoilmen: George A.Martin.
Architects Certificate NO.3, in the amount of $5.942.00,dated
August 15,1940, to George C.Renz, for work oompleted on the con-
struction of the Munioipal Auditorium, is presented.
Motion by Counoilman Rogers,seoonded by Counoilman Wentworth and
oarried that the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, assignee of George
C.Renz. oontraotor, be given the third payment of $5.942.00 on
the Munioipal Auditorium oontraot. as approved by the arohiteot
under date of August 15,1940.
The follOWing liquor lioense transfers are presented: Charles
H.Martin d.b.a.Central Cafe to Charlie W.Bontadelli and Wm.
Looatelli and James H.lngle.d.b.a.Patts Plaoe,to Joe Fernandes.
No objection is made.
The Mayor now discusses the financial status of the oity urging
each committee ohairman to keep a careful oheok on all expenditures
during the coming year.
Motion by Counoilman Heiner, seoonded by Counoilman Rogers and
carried that the tax rate for the fisoal year 1940-1941 be $1.00
per $~OO.OO assessed valuation and be distributed as follows:
. ''''''I
Water Works Improvement Bond Fund of 1923
Sewage Disposal Improvement: Bond Fund of
Water Works Improvemen~c Bond Fund of 1931
Municipal Auditorium Bond Fund of 1940
Improvement Distriot Fund
Library Fund
General Fund
Mr.McQueen o~ the W.P.A.office,San Jose, disousses various projects
that are eligible under a oity-wide project under the W.P.A. The
Mayor announoes that the gathering of the necessary data for a oi ty-,....
wide W.P.A. project will oommenoe at onoe. ~
Mr.P.Perrelli. I? North Hanna Street, now appears before the Counoil
to enter a complant against the noise emanating trom the ohuroh
looated at the northwest oorner of Sixth & Hanna sireets. The Mayor
states that he has information that plans are being made to move
thB ohuroh building to another looation.and that he will keep in-
formed as to progress being made.
1~.H.P.Atkinson,North Monterey Street, now appears before the
Counoil to disouss the; Dondi tion of, the street oPl'osi te his residence
on North Monterey Street~and the speeding of cars and trucks on
Monterey Street around midnite.
The Clerk is instruoted to write to the Division of Highways with
referenoe to thecondit1on' <lSf:..the paving on North Monterey street,
ao~oss ~am the Willows Reetaurant. The Mayor informs !tir.Atkinson
that the Nightwatchmen and the Traffic offioer: have made numerous
arreste for speeding in the past month and the oampaign against
speeders is continuing.
The Superintendent of Streets reports on his investigation of a
gasoline storage tank located on the property 01' Gordon Chappell,
440 North Monterey Street. The Mayor states that Mr.Chappell was
willing to cover the top of the tank with cement. Counoilman Rogers
states that the guage of iron in the tank doescnot oomp~y with the
ordinance. The Mayor instructs the olerk to read parts of Ordinanoe
No.420 pertaining to gasoline storage tanks. The Mayor instruots
the Clerk to send a communication to Gordon Chappell asking him to
attend a meeting of the Council,September 5,1940, 8 P.M. in the
Counoil ehambers,City Hall, for the purpose of disoussing the use
of a certain gasoline storage tank looated on his property at 440
N.Monterey Street.
The Clerk is instruoted to send a communioation to the Southern
Paoifio Company oalling their attention to the condition of cross-
ings at Leavesley Road,Lewis,Mart1n and Sixth streets and ~eqqest
that the oompany oonsult with the City Engineer in this matter.
Adjourned subjeot to the
call of the chair.
City C ere .